Date of activity | What activity did you complete? | What did you learn from the activity? | How has it impacted your work behaviour or performance? |
January 2024 | Attended a “Time Management and Productivity” workshop. | Acquired techniques for prioritising tasks, managing time efficiently, and increasing productivity. | This workshop enhanced my organizational skills and reduced stress by helping me better balance workload demands. |
April 2024 | Persued a “Strategic Workforce Planning” course. | Gained knowledge on forecasting workforce needs, aligning HR strategies with business objectives, and implementing effective workforce planning techniques. | Applied these strategies to develop a comprehensive workforce plan for our growing team, improving alignment with company goals and optimizing resource allocation. |
August 2024 | Participated in a seminar on “Inclusive Workplace Practices.” | Learned strategies for creating a more inclusive work environment and addressing unconscious bias. | Implemented new inclusivity practices in team meetings and recruitment processes, leading to a more diverse and engaged workforce. |
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