(Solution) 5C003 Professional; Meaning of People Professional

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A professional is a derivative of a profession. As evidenced in ACP (2022), a profession comprise people who adhere to ethical standards and hold themselves as and accepted amongst the public as possessing specialised knowledge and skills. Professionals operate in a broad array of areas including research, education and training. They also need to be prepared of using their knowledge, skills and experience to support others. Put differently, a professional is a person being paid/rewarded for pursuing a specific job/responsibility. For their success, Swann et al. (2021) note that their operations are under a regulation of a particular body, profession and occupation. In UK for instance, the National Health Service (NHS) organisation is mandated to regulate operations of the Doctors and Nurses in UK.

People Professional

Considering the findings in the CIPD New Map, people professionals include individuals supporting vision and organisation objectives through strategic individual-backed strategies (CIPD,2022).  The rationale of this is that organisation are made up of people playing a critical role of empowerment in their organisations to thrive individually and collectively. Having their job functions varying, a people professional is important as illustrated in figure 1;

Figure 1: People Professional functions

In order to appropriately define the people profession concept, different behaviours can be considered which are;

Ethical Practice–  In line with the CIPD HR Professional Map, this being a specialist knowledge is important to guide an embrace of appropriate ethics in their operations. According to Sezer et al. (2019). This is by ethics ensuring employees roles are guided  by various principles and embracing values which govern organisation operations and business conduct by management teams and staff. For instance, from an individual experience, this contribute to development of relevant professional standards.

Valuing people– The people practice professions are tasked with a role of balancing overall priorities, compassion and fairness in supporting entire individuals who work in an organisation (CIPD, 2017). Valuing others positively contribute to increased efficiency of people practice professionals as employees feel respected, active listening and being valued.

Taking into account of the activities, they include;

L&D Strategies– For this activity, it identify people practice professionals as being mandated to manage existing skills gap. This is by designing appropriate L&D strategies for empowering their employees to acquire specified knowledge, skills-level and increased productivity. According to CIPD (2022a), after identifying learning needs, people professionals need to ensure they recommend best L&D strategy and include training course, online-based learning, coaching and mentoring processes.

Organisation Design– This is the second activity identified in Forbes (2018) as essential to contribute to a successful practice/operations in an organisation. The mandate of people practice professionals is therefore inclusive of influencing different operations and shaping outcomes.

1.2 Ethical values; impact on work as people professional

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