(Solution) 5COO3 Professionals contribute confidently to discussions

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In my role working in Saudi Aramco, after COVID-19 pandemic occurred, my roles involved implementation of a program where the employees would be working from home. This was meant to reduce the rates of infection amongst the employees, manage the performance level and enhance consistency in working.


To successfully implement the program, I utilised peer reviewed journals and various articles to obtain quality information on strengths and weaknesses of working from  home for an organisation. Further, I embarked in benchmarking process where I acquired insights and data on how other organisation have been implementing home working arrangement. As explained in CIPD (2022), by implementing remote working successfully, it is possible to improve employees voice and engagement level. Therefore, through being informed, I  was able to obtain sufficient evidence on the importance of working from home. This included application of quality data and narratives. The best organisations which had succeeded in this area included Walmart, Google plc, and Tesco which are core for success of flexible working plan.


Working on clear discussions include implementing detailed communication, working in confidence and with courage (Fernandez & Gallardo, 2020). Therefore, as part of implementing working from home plan in Saudi Aramco, I managed to evidence my capacity for implementing effective communication by evidencing and with concise participating in a discussion and content development. The importance of the clarity obtained is ensuring various players are engaged in a discussion appreciating used content and clear message shared amongst all the stakeholders. Further, through an integration of verbal and non-verbal cues, I was able to ensure non of the messages were distorted but were received in their original form.


This include a practice where capacity for being patient and offer an opportunity for others to share their possessed ideas, prioritise on them and eventually come up with the most appropriate decision (CIPD, 2022g). In my practice implementing working from home arrangement in Saudi Aramco, I made sure that I obtained the overall appropriate information and data for success in making decisions. At the same time, I managed to note on existing detailed information which detail on the issues encountered in implementation of working from home arrangement. I also engaged the teams in L&D, Finance and management to understand how the process would be best implemented with less challenges being encountered.

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