(Solution) 5OS06 Leadership and management development Learner Assessment Brief Assessment ID / CIPD_5OS06_23_01

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(Solution) 5OS06 Leadership and management development Learner Assessment Brief

Section one – Questions


Analyse the external factors that drive the need for leadership and management within the organisation (AC 1.1)

Short references should be added into your narrative below. Please remember to only list your long references in the reference box provided at the end of this section. Word count: Approximately 450 words

The importance of leadership and management within organizations


The leadership bears responsibilities of great importance within the organization which makes it important to have investments in order to develop management and leadership. Management must implement a number of procedures that cope with the strategy of the organization and revolves around the development of management and leadership to strengthen them. So, there are many management and leadership components covered by this strategy that are implemented through joint leadership practices based on the realities of the organization(Cortese, 2003).


The external factors


The methods of leadership are affected by a number of external factors including the demographics of organizations, financial resources, personnel characteristics, technological development besides political and economic conditions(Finkelstein, 2009). Therefore, in the case of doing a PESTEL analysis and conducting an environmental survey, this is considered a performance of the transition. This external factor focuses on a number of data in various fields which are the world of economics and politics including policies related to political stability, tax policy and trade that are related to economic conditions, and the changes that have effect on the state of demand and supply. These effects are directly on the profits, as work must be done to study the supply chain that relates to the organization and customers as well as competing organizations and companies. This is done to have an awareness of the political and economic conditions of the market to achieve the goals and have an impact on the variables by the leaders


The social field is the factor that has a direct impact on leadership within the organization. Customer demands that are changing refer to emerging patterns which are related to customer behavior and demographics which need organizational transformations. Hence, Highgate Opticals must identify cultures for consumers as well as identifying the demographics provided to customers according to their needs.


The third one is the Technological factor as this involves transforming the development of processes and products within the market. This also includes technological adoption and automation as well as new goods and services. The corporate environment can be influenced by technology as it has a role in helping the organization in keeping pace with technological updates. Moreover, the leadership must change the techniques of its management to work on improving new methods through development and research.


Fourth, there is the environmental issue as the organization’s operations and customer demand are directly affected by ecological and environmental factors. Highgate Opticals have a unique value and culture shaped by current leadership and history as those values embody the extent of leadership’s commitment to stakeholders such as shareholders and workers. This helps to direct the company’s operations as these personalities are identified through the beliefs, goals and concepts that shape the services and products that customers use and purchase.


Leadership refers to the important and large responsibilities within any organization which makes it important to have investments aimed at developing leadership and management. To illustrate, management is necessary as it implements some of the procedures that are in line with the company’s strategy. It also revolves around developing leadership and management. For this, there are many components of leadership and management that these strategies cover and implement through leadership practices jointly in accordance with Highgate Opticals’ own realities.


1-Digital and technological change

  The rapid developments taking place in the field of technology in the Highgate Opticals sector are rapidly changing. These technologies have contributed in changing precise agricultural operations by developing strategies that rely on data and information to raise efficiency and increase productivity .Navigating these changes requires taking advantage of the opportunities that are provided for effective management and leadership. Hence, leaders must adapt to new technologies, carry out an assessment to measure the extent of their impact on business operations and work to make appropriate strategic decisions regarding the amount of money that is expected to be raised. (Kolaski, 2018). For example, strong leadership and management is one of the important things in order to guide Highgate Opticals and this is done by making the transformation and integrating Internet of Things (IoT) technology within the organization’s devices. It is possible for leaders to create a number of groups with multiple functions to evaluate the advantages and feasibility of integration into the Internet of Things as managers must carefully monitor the successful integration of technology and maintain good communication.


2-Global Market Expansion and Diverse Workforce

Highgate Opticals operates in an international environment and seeks to maintain diverse work teams because special challenges and opportunities come from diversity and therefore leadership and specialized departments are important. Leaders must have the ability to work with cultural differences, adjust styles to fit local needs and work to understand dynamics in the local market. Also, they must create a well-rounded workplace and encourage collaboration to honor the contributions of employees with different backgrounds. For example, managers must understand all the business customs and cultural details of that environment, as Highgate Opticals aims to increase the scope of its work. This is done through successful planning in order to ensure that the marketing strategies and products are appropriate (Ferrazi ,k and Jeanne Brett, 2020) This increases diversity within the organization and leadership become more effective which helps management enter the new market successfully.


3- PESTEL analysis is a go-to tool.

The PESTEL analysis is relied upon to evaluate all external factors, which focuses on a number of areas of the data in that model. First, there is the world of economics and politics and in that world there is political stability and government besides tax policies that depend on economic conditions. Hence, any changes that occur in supply and demand have a direct impact on the company’s final result. A special study must be done of consumers and supply chain of highgate opticals on the political and economic conditions of the market which makes leaders affected by these variables to achieve their own goals.


Leadership is defined as the capacity to influence, inspire, and organise people to achieve corporate objectives. Inspiration, setting an example, and identifying a vision that is conveyed to others are the three fundamental functions of leadership. Management is the discipline of concentrating on everyday organisational processes to guarantee that a company’s operations operate efficiently and in accordance with the regulations that govern it. Management roles require coordinating many tasks and activities to increase the likelihood of achieving a goal’s success. It also entails measuring activities such as key performance indicators to verify that employees’ productivity levels are sufficient to meet corporate goals. In general, leadership requires persuading people to work together toward a single objective. At the same time, management entails assessing a team’s diverse abilities and personalities and devising the most effective strategies to encourage them. The leadership direction is pursued by a visionary leader who is interested in achieving long-term goals through strategic thinking and planning.


Technological Advancements and Industry Disruption


Rapid technological change and disruptive developments are prevalent in the sector in which اHighgate optical works. Precision hearing and vision technologies have changed healthcare operations by providing data-driven insights for increased productivity and efficiency


Navigating these changes and taking advantage of the opportunities they bring require effective leadership and management. Leaders must keep up with new technologies, evaluate how they can affect business operations, and decide strategically how much money to invest in R&D. Without capable leadership and management, Highgate opticals may find it difficult to adjust to market disruptions and risk being outperformed by rivals who successfully use new technologies.


For instance, strong management and leadership are essential to guiding Highgate opticals through this transformation as they consider integrating Internet of Things (IoT) technology into their machines. A cross-functional team can be formed by leaders to assess the viability and advantages of IoT integration. Managers monitor the successful integration of IoT technology into the production process, maintain good communication between teams, and align goals and resources.


Global Market Expansion and Diverse Workforce


Highgate opticals operates in a global environment with a concentration on the European market and a global sales reach. It also maintains a diversified staff made up of locals and ex-pats. Due to the special opportunities and challenges that come with diversity, competent management, and leadership are required.


Leaders need to be able to work in various cultural contexts, comprehend local market dynamics, and modify methods to suit local needs. Managers must encourage cooperation and establish an inclusive workplace that honours the contributions of workers from various backgrounds. Clear communication, coordination, and goal alignment will all be made possible by Highgate opticals successful administration of cross-functional teams across many geographical locations (Ferrazzi and Jeanne Brett, 2020).



Explain the key differences between leadership and management roles and styles and the implications of each for organisational effectiveness. (AC 1.2)

Short references should be added into your narrative below. Please remember to only list your long references in the reference box provided at the end of this section. Word count: Approximately 500 words

Leadership and management roles


Leadership is defined as having the ability to inspire, influence and organize individuals to achieve the organization’s various goals (Quilliam, 2021).  Also , management is defined as the discipline through which focus is placed on the organizational processes that take place on a daily basis to ensure that the operations of the organizations are carried out based on the regulations that govern them (Editing Team in reality, 2021) This requires the presence of special roles for management to coordinate many activities and tasks to increase the existence of any possibility aimed at achieving success.it also requires the existence of measurements for activities such as the presence of basic performance indicators to reach levels related to private productivity with employees which must be sufficient in order to achieve the objectives of the organization. So, this works on evaluating the different personalities and capabilities of the group in order to extract the most effective strategies to motivate and encourage them. Finally, the leadership strategy is followed by visionary leaders and attention is paid to achieving those long-term goals through planning


Leadership and management styles


The leadership styles contain transformational, democratic and transactional leadership through which the leader exercises his position in the legal authority. This negotiating power is based on the existence of transactions on the leader (Cherry, 2021). In addition, transformational leadership has recognized the necessity of building motivation with commitment to the existence of a challenge from the authority of the situation and strength (Cherry, 2021). It is based on the basis that the leader must elicit the basic motivation of people by increasing their desire to do something specific. This is in contrast to transactional leadership, where the employees carry out their responsibilities, because they are forced to do so by the administration based on quantitative studies, as the methods of charismatic and reciprocal leadership as well as bureaucracy has weak correlations with organizational performance. On the other hand, expectation is the main issue of transactional leadership operations since it depends primarily on the existence of an exchange of incentives, ideas, and goals between employees and management. Hence, the style of leadership in relation to transformational and bureaucratic transactions is not considered a basic incentive for people to develop their performance. It encourages the increase in turnover rates and the styles of bureaucratic and charismatic leadership are in line with short-term initiatives.


Organizational success is positively linked to the special methods of democratic and transformational leadership, as transformational leadership is the most successful model as it is an inspiration for self-leadership (Cherry, 2021) On the other hand, the style of democratic leadership is the method in which the processes of decision-making in the organization are dispersed .one of the aspects of leadership works to increase the chances of retaining employees, as this is one of the leadership methods that promote participation for employees according to their leadership style.


The occurrence of any exchange of roles between management and the methods that must be followed in management assist the authority and its aspects within any work organization in a specific way. this is done  in order to make an attempt to control the market because this may happen in a special way especially if it is compatible with one specific perspective because the management considers the supervisory authority for the first time as it has a clear influence and forms its own vision. Also, the management consists of subordinates and chiefs with a number of leaders and their followers and the groups consist of various patterns and forms of management(Cherry , 2021).

This includes special theories that pertain to attributes in order to be able to perform tasks according to special emergency theories as well as leadership methods that take place in a circumstantial manner with carrying out transportation operations in exchange for transactions .They take place in a number of different ways depending on strong relationships in diverse aspects especially the humanitarian side, authoritarian, democratic and bureaucratic leaders who need a lack of intervention. In addition, the process mainly revolves around the productive capacity which requires the presence of actual leadership with the need for a number of diverse methods that help to increase productivity.


 Moreover, this requires real and strong leadership with the presence of different methods for the ability to analyze roles logically. In addition, the differences must be determined according to what the management is doing directly which shows the extent to which there is an ability to carry out cooperation while directing the work to the counterparties. So, the management takes the appropriate decisions in a timely manner with the quality of a great ability to carry out the process of adaptation and this is a result of the presence of environmental or external changes(Quilliam 2021).


 There must be strong motives to train others in order to help them develop and improve as well as leadership roles that are recognized as there must be a specific approach that is carried out for any administration, whether dictatorial or democratic. It has to follow the method of non-interference and the managers in that system have strong orientations with regard to goals in which the focus becomes great. Summing up, it must be done without any visions related to any aspects of humanity, but democratic managers must enjoy great openness in order to help the group to work more collaboratively and to make decisions collectively.

Great Man Theory- This theory is based on the assumption that people possess varying innate features which distinguish them from others. According to Benmira and Agboola (2021), this theory is based on the view that natural characteristics predispose individuals toward working in roles of power and high-level authority. For leadership, the theory stipulates that best leaders are born and not developed.


Management as Authority and Control– As evidenced in Schneider and Saultz (2020), management are involved in taking a holistic control of the organisation resources, strategy and staff for ensuring effective execution of their roles. As stipulated in Great Man Theory, managers are involved in developing goals, creating strategies, allocation of resources and monitoring performances for goals achievement.


In Highgate optical organisation context, the managers would be engaged in ensuring that their clients get the eyewear orders in time. This is while coming up with appropriate production goals, appropriate resource allocation and monitoring of the performance of entire members (CIPD, 2022). Further, efficient operation, effective costs management and customers satisfaction are due to management control function.

Leadership as vision and influence– As opposed to the managers who demonstrate authority, with leaders being born (Great Man Theory), they sell the organisation future best practice. This is by communicating on their vision and values to the employees in inspiring them towards achievement of common-based goal. According to CIPD (2020d), leaders are involved in fostering innovativeness, encouraging scope of collaboration and fostering constructive working environment. Also, different from developing goals which is function of managers, leaders ensure they enhance collaboration towards a single goal, increase overall morale and culture of consistent refinement.


In the case of Highgate Optical, an innovative leader would have significant role to play in the organisation. A case example is the CEO of the organisation who note the organisation aspiring in dominating international eyewear sector in pioneering designing and technologies development.

Differences of Management and Leadership Roles

The leaders are involved in managing the organisation vision, influencing, impacting and giving strategic direction with managers being engaged in authority, control and operational performance (Schneider & Saultz, 2020). The function of leadership is further concerned with need to inspire, guide staff to a shared vision with management prioritising on pursuing duties, organising resources and performance review. Management make sure that planning is effective with leadership motivating and focusing on followers ability to achieve set objectives.

Leadership and Management Styles

Transformational Leadership Theory– This theory can be used in evaluating the leadership and management style. According to White (2022), it is based on view that inspiring and motivating followers lead to achievement of best performance exceeding entire expectations. Leadership using the approach harness deeper connections amongst the different teams.


In Highgate optical, the identified leadership style improve employees motivation, growth and creativity increased and cultivation of staff happiness levels. Transformational leaders are identified in White (2022) as encouraging increased performance, supporting increased opportunities in workplace and long-term success.

McGregor’s X&Y Style- In line with McGregor’s X and Y, the best practice include creating of hierarchical, innovative and engaged organisation employees. This increase morale, creativity and organisation success in their roles.


By having a successful vision and strong relations, transformational leaders inspire and encourage their teams in achieving successful performance. This is with McGregor X and Y theory having an emphasis on preconceived notion of employees acting in the roles of managers.



Compare the different knowledge, skills and behaviours required for leadership and management in organisations. (AC 1.3)

Short references should be added into your narrative below. Please remember to only list your long references in the reference box provided at the end of this section. Word count: Approximately 400 words

Knowledge required for leadership and management


Organizational leaders must have the skills, knowledge and behaviors that help them determine the method to be followed to increase interaction with (Frankel, 2006). This may contain information revolving around the basics of work such as marketing trends, financial affairs and issues related to technological changes and human resources within the industry regarding leadership knowledge. This helps in the existence of an effective practice of all the approaches followed by the leadership within the organization. So, there will be a need for specific skills to carry out the responsibilities in a distinct manner and the competencies that are present in management such as emotional management and bleeding . Therefore, it must focus on the leaders of organizations besides the responsible and respected management which is considered one of the categories of administrative competencies that leaders must focus efforts on(Bolden, 2003).


 Skills required for leadership and management


The interpersonal competencies are specific to the skills related to dealing with people such as resolving conflicts and providing training. The non-personal competencies have a number of basic areas related to thinking skills, leadership skills and dealing with circumstances at all levels as they are all necessary and contain ways to benefit effectively from organizational resources. It also contains talents for managing conflict, solving problems and accepting responsibility since the manager is an individual within a group environment as well as sharing empathy and having social relationships. As a result, organizational leaders must increase their emotional intelligence skills since it is one of the vital and important matters within leadership techniques such as resolving problems and conflicts and working to encourage personal judgments in a distinctive way(Batool, 2013).


The behavior required for leadership and management


Situational and individual differences have a direct impact on leadership behaviors. The role of leadership can have an impact on the status of the group since the tasks that are presented is to implement the policies of the company or lead a meeting and the style of the individual leader has an impact on behavior. The role of human resource management is divided into several soft and hard approaches (Rumford, 2022). A difficult approach is adopted for human resource management within the organization which depends on the vision of employees as one of the sources of revenue just as the company’s assets and tools are viewed as one of the main sources of revenue.


The knowledge required for leadership is empathy


Delegation and good leadership are necessary for empathy as it is considered the ability to understand what is going on inside others and the ability to see things from their own perspective. So, managers who are empathetic enjoy effectiveness because they are aware of the time the group needs in order to obtain more independence and make employees feel comfortable in sharing their comments.


The knowledge required for management is planning


Managers must have a proactive thought in order to ensure that projects and activities are in line with the highgate opticals goals (Owen, J. (2020)  Carrying out future planning and taking the initiative to put forward ideas about those plans shows employers that there is a determination to achieve the goals and reach the best results.


Skills required for leadership are Problem solving skills


In the business world, there are often problems whether they are with a customer, a supplier, or even production problems, but a competent manager is one who has the ability to identify problems and work to find solutions to them before any harm occurs. Hence, managers must think about the future and have ability to anticipate risks and present ideas in order to determine the most important methods used to solve problems.


Skills required for management are Organizational skills


Managers must have the ability to organize their meetings and duties as well as the required appointments in order to accomplish all goals at the correct time. They must have the ability to determine priorities correctly according to their importance especially because plans often change within the work environment. They must also have the ability to ensure that employees allocated the required time to fulfill their responsibilities and that they have a degree of calm and the ability to deal with difficult situations (Owen, J. (2020).


The required behavior for leadership is providing effective feedback


Employee comments must be effective at the right times and focus on future behavior, whether managers’ comments carry praise or criticism. Good managers must take sufficient time to prepare for providing feedback and have full awareness of how to influence employees’ minds and accept their comments. Managers’ help employees benefit from the feedback given to them and view it in a positive way that helps them develop.


Behavior required for management is finding a balance between teaching and facilitation


In order to become a good manager, it is important to know when to be strict or lenient, as giving feedback includes answers to the employee for any questions on his mind. Leniency is also related to asking questions that help the employee reach answers and become advanced. Moreover, good managers have the ability to do both things at the same time and know when resorting to one of them.




Evaluate the different concepts and range of approaches that are available for effective leadership and management development. (AC 2.2)

Short references should be added into your narrative below. Please remember to only list your long references in the reference box provided at the end of this section. Word count: Approximately 450 words

Improving human resources depends on the existence of principles of management and leadership, where there is an urgent need for the presence of assistance from specialists in human resources in order to have a better understanding of the necessary practices and ideas. This is done to achieve success in managing leadership within the work environment (Doyle, 2019). To improve the effectiveness of managing organizations and leading people, leaders can apply many approaches which are, 


Secondments approach


When it is related to development and leadership, organizations use a number of informal and formal methods as the strategy that is shared contains arranging the work in which there is a rotation between the different departments and among the employees within the same organization.  This helps to improve performance in multiple positions under various leaderships and teams. The main objective of this approach is to expose shareholders, leaders, and individuals to different experiences to develop. So, leaders acquire new skills by working in multiple positions which allows them to increase their capabilities and expand their perceptions.


Coaching and mentoring approach


Mentoring and coaching are considered one of the most successful methods that organizations can resort to in order to develop their employees (BrightHR, n.d.). It helps to develop performance and improve knowledge. The challenge is in the presence of small numbers of professionals who are qualified to perform the job of the trainer. It is not possible for the training to become effective unless there are large degrees of trust between the learner and the trainer. Moreover, it is the process of finding a trainer with qualifications to help him work as it is considered one of the challenges in organization. As a result, guidance instead of training is considered one of the long-term solutions in order to face all the difficulties of management and leadership within any organization and work and it lasts for long periods. Summing up, there is an exchange between the learner and the trainer in which they share their experiences.


On and off job learning approach


Any organization may benefit from educational programs by using vocational education , accredited courses as well as administrative education in order to meet all the learning requirements of employees (Veal and Dunbar, 2018) This contains official credits for managers and leaders as it provides means for professional development by allowing participation in approved training programs that are provided by organizations and external parties. Hence, each of the various groups has educational courses for leaders where each of them assists to meet the requirements for unique development where suggestions are made for that approach for organizations. It helps leaders increase their knowledge and improve their skills by having a recognized curriculum that follows a reliable and acceptable method besides containing a variety of educational materials as they take a lot of time and consume a lot of resources so it is only suitable for large organizations.


To improve the effectiveness of managing organizations and leading people, leaders can apply many approaches which are, 

Coaching and mentoring approach


Training and guidance are among the methods that can be relied upon by highgate opticals with the aim of improving the performance of their employees (BrightHR, n.d.). It is considered one of the means that helps improve performance and knowledge regarding specific skills and goals especially when it comes to training within an organizational environment .There are large numbers of professionals who have the qualifications in order to perform the task of the trainer. In addition, the process of obtaining a trainer who has the skills and qualifications to help him perform his work is often considered one of the challenges of organizations. For this reason, guidance is considered one of the long-term solutions instead of training in order to confront all the difficulties of leadership and management within any organization.


On and off job learning approach


It is possible for highgate opticals to benefit from any of the educational programs through accredited courses and the use of vocational and administrative education in order to meet all employees’ learning needs while providing them with the opportunity to obtain certificates that prove this (Veal and Dunbar, 2018). This includes obtaining Official accreditations for managers and leaders because this helps provide special means for professional development by providing the opportunity to participate in a number of accredited training programs that external bodies and organizations provide. Accordingly, each of the multiple groups has its own educational courses for leaders as each one of these courses helps to meet rare development needs as suggestions are provided regarding that approach from organizations. For this reason, this approach is considered the most appropriate for Highgate Opticals because it contributes in helping leaders develop their skills and expand their awareness through curricula that are recognized because they follow acceptable and reliable methods .it also includes different sets of educational materials that require a lot of effort and time and consume many resources and for this reason it is more suitable for large organizations.


Secondments approach


Organizations use types of formal and informal methods as the strategy that is resorted to include arranging work in which exchange takes place between multiple departments and between employees within the same company. This contributes in developing performance in a number of positions under teams and leaders. The primary goal of this approach is to expose individuals and contributing leaders to a number of experiences in order to strengthen and develop relationships within the work environment. To do this, leaders acquire multiple skills by working in a number of positions which allows them to expand their horizons and grow their capabilities (Doyle, 2019).


Formal Training Programs: Structured and Classroom-Based Learning

Formal training programs include classroom-based learning activities that are structured, like workshops, seminars, and courses. These programs provide managers and leaders with both theoretical understanding and practical abilities (Doyle, 2019). To improve the management skills of its leaders, Highgate opticals might, for instance, host seminars on leadership development guided by specialists in the field. These programs frequently provide a structured curriculum and could involve tests or certificates to gauge development and competency. They also offer chances for networking and the chance to learn from professionals in the field.


Formal training programs could have some drawbacks. There is a chance that everyday operations will be disrupted when participants are absent for training, and applying newly learned skills to practical circumstances can be difficult. When developing and putting into practice leadership and management development initiatives, these constraints should be taken into account. Organizations can help employees overcome these obstacles by combining formal training programs with alternative learning strategies including on-the-job training, coaching, and mentoring to ensure real-world applicability and continuing support. Organizations like Highgate opticals can optimize the advantages of conventional training while overcoming its drawbacks by using a hybrid approach to development.


Experiential Learning Approaches: Hands-On Experience and Reflection

Approaches to experiential learning give managers and leaders an opportunity for reflection and personal development through practical experiences (Veal and Dunbar, 2018).  These methods place a focus on learning through real-world application and feedback. Leaders and managers use activities like simulations, case studies, action learning projects, or job rotations rather than just classroom instruction. To expose leaders and managers to various tasks and problems, Highgate opticals can, for instance, put into place a program of job rotation.


The use of experiential learning techniques allows managers and leaders to learn through practical application. This method enables more in-depth learning, the development of skills, and the direct application of newly learned information. As participants continue in their current positions while gaining new knowledge, disturbances to routine activities are also minimized. However, to ensure that learning and development take place during the experience activities, suitable direction and support are needed.


Highgate opticals can use a mixed strategy to take advantage of the advantages of both formal training programs and experiential learning methods. This strategy integrates components from both to produce a thorough leadership and management development program. For instance, the HR department’s head may create a program that combines seminars or online courses for core knowledge and abilities with on-the-job projects or stretch assignments for possibilities for real-world application and experience learning. With this hybrid approach, managers and leaders can grow and learn while still actively participating in their daily tasks.




Discuss why diversity and inclusion should be an integral component of leadership and management development initiatives. (AC 2.3)

Short references should be added into your narrative below. Please remember to only list your long references in the reference box provided at the end of this section. Word count: Approximately 360 words


Diversity and inclusion in the workplace

Diversity is an essential and integral part of management and leadership initiatives because it helps leaders create an environment suitable for complete cultures. So, it is characterized by the presence of a group of behaviours and a collective agreement that works to unify different identities, which helps enrich the organization as one of the sources of special visions and skills (Black, Gardner Pierce and Steers, 2019). Moreover, inclusion takes place at a time when employees feel appropriately respected and appreciated, regardless of their personal circumstances or characteristics and where they are located as they can contribute their perspectives and talents to the improvement of their organization.


The importance of diversity and inclusion


Inclusion and diversity helps to enable HRM to eliminate any harm that may occur or harassment of minority groups within the workforce. it works to create equal opportunities by eliminating all forms of discrimination and working to strengthen good relations between individuals from different groups ( Black, Gardner, Pierce and Steers, 2019) Also, the presence of different and diverse cultures helps to have more effective leaders as the comprehensive leaders participate more effectively in the vision and goal. This helps the leaders to have a relationship with the employees who are viewed as partners in the organization instead of managers. As a result, the organizational context considers inclusion and diversity to be of great importance in the organization to attract the best talents.


Considerations for diversity and inclusion


Organizational success depends primarily on inclusion and diversity as it would be preferable to include individuals from multiple backgrounds in all aspects of the organization .This helps to have a productive, innovative and vibrant workforce where employees often do their utmost when they find appreciation and respect. In addition, the diversity in the workplace is better prepared to serve the base of diverse customers which is increasing dramatically. there must be a department Specific to diversity and inclusion with the aim of expanding the fields and increasing the interest related to the use of language in terms of communication through the presence of different cultures.


Inclusion is a process that ensures that there is value in the differences between individuals and works to help them grow. Also, there must be a feeling between employees in highgate opticals that they are valued and respected without considering their identities or cultural backgrounds. This type of diversity recognizes the existence of differences among employees by identifying the importance of the participation of everyone who has the right to make decisions within work. The organization also values diversity and inclusion which helps employees work cooperatively to achieve their goals and objectives. Inclusion and diversity also help to develop and advance the groups that are considered representative. Incompletely, it creates a work environment devoid of any distinction and thus contributes in enhancing productivity. It also works to create a culture of differences and recognition and provides all employees with the required support and an environment that is suitable for presenting all their capabilities. Also, people specialized in diversity and inclusion select and identify talents through groups by ensuring their preservation and enhancing understanding of the uniqueness of different cultures, working to increase professionalism with group members, and facilitating the acquisition of skills and attitudes from different cultures.


In addition, inclusion and diversity should be key elements when it comes to management and leadership development programs, as they have many advantages, such as what Highgate Opticals does. This helps enhance decision-making and problem-solving processes. When leaders and managers come from diverse backgrounds, they possess a range of viewpoints and experiences as they present diverse and different ideas, and this helps facilitate Diversity in points of view or engaging in rich dialogues which helps organizations when making crucial decisions (Asnicar, 2023). For this, a difference in leadership may require selecting executives with different backgrounds and cultures, giving them a greater understanding of the global market and the opportunity to use diverse approaches to producing agricultural equipment. Moreover, the difference in leadership positions helps in making various decisions, and comprehensive behaviors work to create a climate of cooperation besides belonging and benefit from different groups that help solve obstacles in a creative way.



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