(Solution) CIPD 7C001 developments in technology currently affecting the management of people within your organisation

  •  2 examples of technology and how it affects managing people in my organisation explained effectively
  • Second example geared more towards the management of people rather than what the technology does.
  • Again, multiple references have been provided in this answer and a wider depth and breadth of research assisted in your evaluation.
  • Some context around the organisation (size, sector etc.)  have been provided with beneficial to set the scene for your evaluations.

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Learning Outcome 2: Understand current and short-term developments in the people management business environment.

In what ways are developments in technology currently affecting the management of people within your organisation, or one that is familiar to you, and your own work as a people professional? Illustrating your answer with TWO distinct examples, evaluate the major advantages and disadvantages of these developments.


In CIPD HR Professional Map, technology development is identified as a core knowledge. In CIPD (2023) this is identified as a process pursued to understand the role of technology and impact it contribute to people function and broader workforce. Therefore, for people practice professionals, the best practice entail acquiring an appreciation of function of technology in improving agility and productivity of workforce and organisations and impact on collaborative working. For Saudi Aramco case organisation, emerging developments of technology has a direct implication in enhancing the efficient, appropriate decisions making of the organisation and maximising the potential and productivity of the employees. For the purpose of evaluating the way developments in technology affect management of people in Saudi Aramco and work as people professional, the examples include;

Artificial Intelligence

Through a successful investment in Artificial Intelligence (AI), organisations including Saudi Aramco leverage on the changing of how individuals work and the forms of employment existing. According to CIPD (2023) for Saudi Aramco, investing in AI elicit a direct implication on intensity or pace of employees working, arguments on people capabilities, enabling tasks implementation in a remote manner or transferring responsibilities for the jobs to be done to a different individual. The implications are supported by Varma et al. (2023) report which identify the AI and other different emerging technologies as assisting in redefining the role of people practice managers and employees. This is while at the same time offering an opportunity to Saudi Aramco in transitioning routine tasks and processes to AI enabled systems and facilitating supervisors and subordinates with an opportunity for spending increased time on cognitive tasks. For Varma et al. (2023), an estimation of 69% of people functions workload would be changing in a drastic manner. This is with an improved fairness in resourcing, due process for HR functions, worker dignity and privacy. For people professionals, the AI has a direct implication on harnessing the overall efficiencies including resourcing, talent management and employees engagement. The people professionals would hence need appropriate skills and knowledge for balancing AI capability with human factors including empathetic, creative, and critical thinking being critical. In overall, priority would need to be in the application of AI for complementing human roles as opposed to operating as their replacements.

Considering the advantages, Forbes (2023) note that the AI has a positive implication on reducing the incurred human error. This include the application of predictive analysis and saving time and resources for accurate and efficient results. Also, any people practice tasks and processes which are repetitive. For instance, in Saudi Aramco, AI is increasingly adopted in enhancing data collection, data entry, clients focused business and responses. For the disadvantages, it is important noting that it is significantly costly implementing AI particularly in Saudi Aramco. In Khanzode and Sarode (2020) report, it hypothesised that organisations in the process of implementing AI incur upto £20,000 millions in implementation. Further degrading of the AI is similarly a popular disadvantage impacting on Saudi Aramco in the process of utilisation of the AI which is promptly degraded. In an event Saudi Aramco management fails in offering capacity development to their employees, their AI systems becomes outdated. According to  Jarrahi (2018( there is similarly a significant challenge of lowering the jobs for humans. For Saudi Aramco for example, this is evidenced by the decreased number of jobs. This is since in both the organisation onshore and offshore, they are in a position of doing repetitive job roles. It is essential noting that AI would lead to creation multiple jobs which are obsolete.


Adopting the definition in Groover (2019) robotics……..

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