(Solution) CIPD 5CO02 measure the impact and value of people practice

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Explain how to measure the impact and value of people practice using a variety of (two) methods. (AC 3.2)

Short references should be added into your narrative below. Please remember to only list your long references in the reference box provided at the end of this section. Word count: Approximately 400 words



How People Practice Adds Value

Resourcing is one approach, and employer branding is another. HR experts are crucial in building a strong employer brand to attract top talent. They develop an engaging brand that appeals to potential recruits by highlighting the company’s values, culture, and possibilities. Innovative hiring strategies help companies draw in and keep top personnel. These strategies include social media, employer review sites, and interactive recruiting campaigns.

Development and learning are further methods. One effective method HR contributes value is funding workers’ training and development (Akdere & Egan, 2020). HR ensures that workers always improve their knowledge and skills by detecting skill gaps and developing targeted development programmes. A trained and flexible staff is produced. As a result, they are spurring organisational growth and overall performance.

Furthermore, there is employee engagement, where HR specialists help raise employee engagement levels, resulting in higher productivity and employee retention (Chanana & Sangeeta, 2020). HR may identify pain spots and create programmes to improve employee happiness and well-being through employee surveys, focus groups, and feedback systems. Engagement measures positively impact employee commitment and performance, including recognition programmes, career development opportunities, and flexible work schedules.

The importance of proving value includes strategic alignment, whereby doing so enables HR to match its strategy with the company’s overall objectives. HR practitioners become crucial agents of corporate success by demonstrating how HR initiatives boost productivity, employee engagement, and performance.

Another one is resource allocation, where it is simpler to gain funding and support for crucial HR programmes when HR can quantify the beneficial benefits of their actions. Resource allocation may be justified by demonstrating impact, which frees HR to concentrate on projects that provide significant outcomes.

Finally, establish trustworthiness. HR’s reputation inside the company is increased through showcasing “value-add.” It promotes confidence among all parties involved, including top management, line managers, and staff, resulting in better cooperation and support for HR efforts.

Methods for Measuring the Impact of People’s Behaviour

Surveying employee happiness and engagement levels is one method of evaluating the effects of people’s practices. Regular employee happiness and engagement surveys help HR assess the success of their initiatives. These surveys record employees’ opinions and impressions, giving useful information about how HR actions affect commitment, job satisfaction, and morale (Votto et al., 2021).

Finally, observation and feedback are two methods that HR professionals may use to actively observe and collect input from stakeholders, managers, and workers. HR develops a greater knowledge of the effects of HR efforts on the work environment and culture by closely studying behaviour and interactions.







Please provide your full long reference list here. The Harvard method is preferable. Please refer to the guidance on the Learner HUB.

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