(Solution) CIPD Assessment ID / CIPD_3CO04_23_01 3CO04 Essentials of people practice

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Task One – Written Advice Questions


Explain each stage of the employee life cycle and the role of the people professional in it. (AC1.1)

Short references should be added into your narrative below. Please remember to only list your long references in the reference box provided at the end of this section. Word count: Approximately 300 words


The employee lifecycle is a set which are followed from the phase of attraction of a new potential employees to resourcing, onboarding, development and offboarding/exit (CIPD, 2023). These stages include;

Attraction– This stage entail employees becoming aware of the organisation.  They note on a job advertisement, research job opportunities and engage families and friends.

People professionals involved offering facilitation and support to develop organisation talent management approaches.

Recruitment– The right employee is brought to the organisation with significant candidate experience provided.

People practice professionals ensure that the right individual for the right role at the right time is engaged. According to Black and van Esch (2020) people professionals assists employers in sourcing for appropriate employees and matching them in a permanent and temporary roles.

Onboarding–  This phase entail ensuring the new hires are brought up to speed on organisation operations and their roles. It is at this phase where the employer-employee relations is initiated.

People practice professionals assist the newly recruited employees successfully transition to their new job roles in the organisation. This is by being introduced to culture, set values and mission.

Development– In this phase, the employees are provided with appropriate career development plans. This is for improving their contributions to success of the organisation.

For people practice professional, this is achieved through creation of appropriate employees development plans, career path aligned to the organisation and varying needs.

Retention– This entail a continuous engagement of the employees for maintaining them on board. This assists in organisation stability, productivity with sufficient resources and time saved for staff satisfaction.

The role of people professionals in this stage is harnessing an effective and efficient administration of employee retention approach.

Exit– Also identified as offboarding where the employee terminate their relationship with the employer. The outcome of this is gaining more insights on recruitment and staff experiences.

For people professionals, at the exit phase, they ensure the employees are happy leavers. This is by ensuring employees feel highly valued, ready and supported.



Explain different ways in which you can prepare information for specified roles. (AC1.2)

Short references should be added into your narrative below. Please remember to only list your long references in the reference box provided at the end of this section. Word count: Approximately 200 words


Job Description

Adopting the definition of Chongwony et al. (2020) job description represent a written explanation outlining important responsibilities and requirements for an existing job role. In regard to the key information it need to contain, this include information on who is executing specific job roles, best practice in completing different roles, frequency and purpose of working. All these content of job description need to be in alignment with the mission and goals of the organisation.

Person Specification

This include a description of different qualifications, skills, experiences, knowledge and different attributes in a candidate possessing for performing specific job roles. As evidenced in Abdalla Hamza et al. (2021), this is a derivation of the job description and anchor the recruitment process.

The key information contained include skills, knowledge, qualification and experience required to be possessed by the employees.

Job Analysis

This is identified in Rios et al. (2020) as a process followed to study a job for establishing the activities and responsibilities to be pursued. These entail importance of the other jobs, essential qualifications for job performance and conditions of work performance. In order to establish the contents, through job analysis, required qualifications are established to be in a position of executing the roles. This is based on the current requirements in their business environment.



Explain (two) different recruitment methods and when it is appropriate to use them. (AC1.3)                      Short references should be added into your narrative below. Please remember to only list your long references in the reference box provided at the end of this section. Word count: Approximately 250 words



These include the internal and external advertisement which are used in recruitment for various job roles. According to Lievens and Chapman (2019), adverts are more advanced and modernised strategy of recruiting highly qualified employees today. For the internal advertisements, these entail the succession planning and also referrals with external adverts inclusive of leverage on different media platforms.

For Clean Quarter LTD Sales Assistant Vacancy, this method is appropriate to use as it could lead to time savings with resources incurred being less. Further, this approach would be best used for increasing retention of employees with overall turnover mitigated. Also, Sales Assistant job opportunity would be identified as an employer brand in the organisation.

Job Fairs

As evidenced in Muduli and Trivedi (2020) meaning, the job fairs represent a situation where employers and recruiters provide detailed information to the likely candidates in the vacant job roles. Through the adoption of the provided opportunities, interactions and connection with different partners and stakeholders is achieved guaranteeing success in resourcing. These vary in regard to their size and scope and pursued either physically or virtually.

For Clean Quarter LTD Sales Assistant Vacance, job fairs can be used in recruitment. This is particularly the case since the organisation intend to recruit sales assistants in bulk. Also, sales assistant job vacancies have been existing for a substantial period of time. The outcome of this would be Clean Quarter LTD providing a relevant chance to resource qualified employees in available job opportunities.






Explain factors to consider when deciding on content of copy used in recruitment methods. (AC1.4)

Short references should be added into your narrative below. Please remember to only list your long references in the reference box provided at the end of this section. Word count: Approximately 250 words


Recruitment Method 1

How to draft copy; deciding on how much detail to provide– For the external and internal advertisements, it is important to identify drafting of the copy and making a decision on the scope of details to be provided. According to Köchling and Wehner (2020) this factor is important as it determines the amount of information both private and public regarding the organisation. For example, as part of advertisement, it would be important beforehand to disclose the pay to be offered or even the number of hours to be worked by the sales assistant.

Failure of considering how drafting is done and amount of details provided would impact how the organisation image is viewed in the eyes of potential job professionals. Further, a clear and appropriate image for Clean Quarter LTD would not be disclosed hence affecting the employees value proposition.

Recruitment Method 2

Reward Package– This entail the entire rewards provided to the employees evidenced through compensation and benefits plan offered by an organisation. As evidenced in Marin (2021), providing these details entail offering an elaborate information on the rewards. Failure to consider the reward packages would lead to failure of the potential employee to make appropriate decision on whether to join the organisation or fail to assume the job role. Also, with job fairs often involving different levels of Sales Assistant, Clean Quarter LTD would be successful in distinguishing the different job roles and positions in place. Failure of achieving this would mean that Clean Quarter has lost the best employees to their competing organisations similarly looking to fill the Sales Assistant role. Job Fairs involve multiple organisations coming together in the process implementation.

Budget- in deciding on the content of copy to be used in job fairs, consideration of the budget is important (Marin, 2021). Depending on the budget set by an organisation, it is possible to determine if to pursue a physical or a virtual career fair. Also, depending on the budget, the content of copy used in the job fairs would include extent of branding used, marketing collateral, giveaways, and employees travel arrangements. The input and time which are invested in the job fairs would be dependent on the budget set for the entire process.

Failure to consider the aspect of budget in job fairs would mean that the career fairs are not successful. The rationale of this is that career fairs have changed over time with digital era providing immense options for the content of copy to be used. This is since the virtual, in-person or hybrid career fairs have different costs incurred by the organisation. For Clean Quarter, in sourcing for Sales Assistant, setting an appropriate budget would guide them in estimating copy of recruiters to be engaged and identify the location, scope of facilitation and all requirements.



Explain (two) different selection methods and when it is appropriate to use them. (AC2.1)

Short references should be added into your narrative below. Please remember to only list your long references in the reference box provided at the end of this section. Word count: Approximately 250 words


Interviews (Face-to-Face)- According to Asenahabi (2019), this is a selection method which entail the use of detailed and holistic evaluation of appropriateness of an employee. For Clean Quarter LTD for example, use of the interviews would be used to identify and select the best qualifying employee in the position. In order to achieve this, competency-based interviews would for instance be used which are categorised into general and failing in prioritising on the competencies of the employees. It is essential ensuring that the interviews are customised based on the skills, knowledge and expertise required for the Sales Assistant Job role.

The interviews approach is most appropriate for Clean Quarter Sales Assistant to apply job roles in the organisation owing to its critical nature to the organisation success.

Psychometric Tests– In selection process, psychometric tests are noted in Woods et al. (2020) as relevant to select best employees. This is in terms of their capabilities, aptitude, personality and area of focus. The main distinction of psychometric tests with the others entail Clean Quarter LTD successfully selecting best employees. The best employee in the organisation would be having relevant knowledge and also skills to work as sales assistant.

Further, for Clean Quarter organisation, there is a current need of involving internal succession planning. The rationale of this is for entire stakeholders being engaged and as such success in Clean Quarter organisation operations.

In Clean Quarter Organisation case, psychometric test is appropriate to use in assessing candidates cognitive ability and their personality. For instance, for the Sales Assistants, based on the results from psychometric tests, it is possible predicting their performance in assigned roles, competencies and motivation. This is for ability and personality tests.


Explain the selection records that need to be retained. (AC2.4)

Short references should be added into your narrative below. Please remember to only list your long references in the reference box provided at the end of this section. Word count: Approximately 250 words


Short-listing decision notes

Considering the identified notes, they are appropriate for a successful validation of the selection process earlier completed. As supported by GDPR 2018, the importance of this data is to be in line with CIPD (2023a) identifying GDPR 2018 as essential for successful qualifications and shortlisting information existing. These notes are normally include how the employees are meeting the essential and desirable criteria for the job in focus. Considering Clean Quarter organisation, this would be appropriate for forming a background of inviting the employees to subsequent selection process.

These written records would need to be retained for approximately 2 years. The rationale of this is to support the process based on law and equally guide in managing the issues emerging contrary to the requirements of the selection decisions. Often, there are issues raised against the selection process from dissatisfied applicants.

Test Scores

This is a category of selection records which are inclusive of the entire information on how the employees scope in the process of selection. The management of this type of data is guided by the GDPR 2018 Act which highlight the necessity for storing the data for a timeline of 1.5 years without disclosing it to unauthorised third parties.

The test scores are supposed to be retained for the sake of guidance for further selection process (AlHamad et al., 2022). This is successfully implemented by prioritising on the interests of the different players in the organisation. Further, by having the test scores, it is possible comparing employee growth over time.



Write letters of appointment and non-appointment for an identified role. (AC2.5)

Short references should be added into your narrative below. Please remember to only list your long references in the reference box provided at the end of this section. Word count:  NO WORD COUNT


Letter of Appointment (Acceptance) for Role


30th November 2023


Dear Shabil,


I hope this letter finds you well


We are happy to let you know that you have successfully been selected in working in this organisation as you had earlier applied and went through selection strategy. The interview process was successful and as such selected in this role.


By accepting to take this position in Clean Quarter LTD organisation, you will be in a position of working in a good environment of high motivated employees with substantial experience and committed towards implementing their functions. The organisation appreciate the essential of flexible working and as such you will be given flexitime opportunities and remote working for individualised growth and experience.


For this job role, your job description would be inclusive of the following;

·      Recruiting and selecting best qualified employees

·      Pursuing learning needs analysis for the purpose of promoting detailed job roles

·      Planning for goal setting, identify objectives with clearly noted job roles

·      Promote collaboration amongst people practice professionals with different organisation teams


The offer which is being provided to you would be valid upto the time you will be in a position of giving your references, proof of permission of working in the country and eventually a probation of 3 weeks timeline.

It is our mutual expectation that you will positively respond to this letter on or before 15th December 2023

As you will be responding to this letter, kindly include CV and all testimonials


Yours Sincerely


Clean Quarter LTD Recruitment officer

Letter of Non-Appointment

30th November 2023


Dear Kelly,


I hope this letter finds you well


We are doing this letter to let you know on the organisation decision on the past interview selection process which you went through facilitated by our organisation.


From the selection process, the team was in a position of pursuing a detailed evaluation of your appropriateness to take the job role. Their final decision was arrived being negative.

It was our mutual interest that with your high-level qualifications, you would have seamlessly qualified for the job position. However, it is sad that you did not meet all expected criteria to take this job role.


Going into the future, since new opportunities always occur, you will be given the first priority. We also promise to retain your CV in the organisation database for a timeline of 1.5 years


Receive our best regards and wishes as you progress with your future career

Yours sincerely


Clean Quarter LTD Recruitment officer



Task two – Simulated interview


To support Jaspreet and Caroline, and develop your own knowledge and skills, you:

  • Devise selection criteria for the post of Sales Assistant using the job description already written (Appendix A). Use the selection shortlisting matrix (Appendix B) to shortlist applications against the selection criteria to determine candidates to be interviewed. Your assessor will provide you with completed, sample application forms. (AC 2.2) There is no requirement to include evidence of the use of references to wider reading to achieve a high pass for AC2.2.


  • Interview one applicant and decide whether they meet the criteria for the post. The interview could be a panel or one-to-one interview (as determined by your centre). The interview could be conducted face-to-face or by web conferencing. (AC 2.3) There is no requirement to include evidence of the use of references to wider reading to achieve a high pass for AC2.3.

[If working as a panel, it is essential that each member of the team actively takes part in devising the criteria, shortlisting, interviewing and decision-making.


A copy of CIPD STARR Model Interview Questions (Appendix C) has been included, that can be used when developing interview questions.]


Your evidence must consist of:

  • The criteria that you devised. (Not included in word count).
  • Your notes from the shortlisting process or a skills observation feedback form completed by your assessor as to your part in shortlisting. (Not included in word count).
  • A video recording of the interview and either a video of the subsequent decision-making process or notes from the decision-making process. (Not included in word count).
  • Upload this Learner Assessment brief document with the completed templates and all 5 tasks completed, through the Assignments option in the Oakwood Learner Hub.
  • Please note you can only complete tasks 1 & 2 after attending module 1 and the remaining tasks after attending module 2. DO NOT ATTEMPT to upload this brief unless all tasks are completed, and you have attended modules 1 and 2. You can work on tasks 1 & 2 and save this brief for completion after module 2.






Note to assessors.


Please ensure that all video recordings are retained and, if selected for moderation, uploaded to Rogo along with other materials for 3CO04. Please ensure that each learner is identified by name in the recording.


Please ensure that an individual Skills Observation Feedback Form (Appendix D)  is completed for each learner regardless of whether an individual or panel interview is carried out. If a panel interview is conducted, individual contributions must be clearly and uniquely identified through comments on the Skills Observation Feedback Form.  Each panel should comprise no more than 3 panel members.




Task Two – Simulated interview



Develop selection criteria and shortlist candidate applications for interview for an identified role.  (AC2.2)

Short references should be added into your narrative below. Please remember to only list your long references in the reference box provided at the end of this section. No word count for this task.



Selection Criteria for Sales Assistant

Applicants Names Jones Edwards John Marcia Rajinder
Qualifications (Application Form) CIPD certificate, HRM undergraduate and Masters in Sales CIPD Level 7, O-Levels and HRM manager CIPP, A-Levels and O-Levels Sales assistant Diploma, degree and ongoing masters qualification BSc in HRM , O-Levels and Masters in HRM
Score Exceed Merit (3) Merit (2) Merit (2) Merit (2) Low (1)
Skills (Application form) Project managers, HR policies and dispute resolution Computer skills, sales marketing, training and development HR best practice, knowledge and administration and soft skills Staff relations, interviewing, administration and employee laws Management, sales consolidation, technology and management skills
Score Exceed Merit (3) Exceed Merit (3) Merit (2) Merit (2) Merit (2)
Knowledge of the Area HR management, office management HRM, Psychology, business and biological sciences Mathematics, MS office and SAP applications Absenteeism management, performance management and employees relations Language varying, interviewing and public speaking
Score Exceed Merit (3) Merit (2) Merit (2) Merit (2) Low (1)
Experience Past HR coordinator and HR office Sales assistant since 2025 HR Generalist for 5 years Sales assistants advisors Sales management in various categories
Score Exceed Merit (3) Merit (1) Merit (2) Merit (2) Merit (2)
Personal qualities Command of both verbal and non-verbal cues essential for sales assistant Working in teams and effectively managing time Teamwork based practice, performance and solving problems Influence and persuade others, resilience in their operations Working in teams through interpersonalised skills
Score Exceed Merit (3) Merit (2) Merit (2) Merit (2) Merit (2)
Summary 12 10 10 11 8
Recommendations (shortlisted or not shortlisted) Shortlisted Not short listed Not shortlisted Not short listed Not short listed




Candidate Name:    Jones                                     Job Title:  Sales Assistant Job Role




Having a background in sales assistants Sales assistant/manager qualification  





Experienced in providing sales assistant roles

Effective leadership and action-based practice 2



Embrace of ethics in sales assistant roles and engaging all stakeholders

Interpersonalised and team-based sales assistant roles 3



Competencies sales data management

Proactiveness in implementing individualised practices 4
Personal qualities



Experienced in working through diversity and inclusion

Relevant use of data to forecast and accurate data 2
Additional Requirements



Ability to implement all assigned roles

Timely management of all roles 3
Interview – Y/N Yes



0-    Does not meet criteria

1-    Partly meets

2-    Fully meets

3-    Exceeds

This is a template that can be adapted as required. Examples should be removed from submission for assessment.


In the selection process, the candidates assessed included Jones, Edwards, John, Marcia and Rajinder. The set of their qualification, experiences, knowledge, skills and personal characteristics were put into account. These were considered against the essential criteria and desirable criteria by use of shortlisting matrix.

At 17, the best score was made by Jones out of the required 18. He hence met majority of the criteria under consideration. She met the expectations particularly in regard to customers service experiences and customer handling skills. Further, for all the candidates selected to participate in the selection process, there was no biasness or discrimination. They were all allowed to express themselves, provide their details and also supporting documentation to affirm their appropriateness in assuming to the job role. For the selected candidate, he was appropriately selected as he met and exceeded the essential and desirable criteria. He had evidenced pertinent experiences and qualifications making him appropriately positioned to pursue the sales assistant job function. All the important states were pursued in-detail with sufficient time offered for the candidates to be able to provide their information. The interview process was also appropriately pursued without any delay or biasness.

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