(Solution) CIPD Assessment ID/CIPD_5CO02_23_01 Evidence-based practice

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  • Concept of evidence-based practice


Evidence-based practice (EBP) is a process where research evidence is used to guide strategic decision making with prevalent issues put into account. According to Skela-Savič et al. (2020), the process is based on evaluating empirical data, contextual factors and stakeholders interest for making appropriate choices in alignment with organisation goals and objectives. This is since Howard et al. (2022) note on the possibility of using best available scientific research, organisation data, experience-based evidence and stakeholders expectations. For disadvantages, it is a challenge making holistic decisions by integrating different sources of empirical data and interest of different stakeholders. Also, it is time intensive with immense resources used in gathering and evaluating the evidences.

Approaches of EBP

Critical Thinking– This entail analysis of entire assumption, discern hidden values, evidences evaluation and assessment of conclusions as a core behaviours in CIPD HR Professional Map (CIPD, 2024). The advantages of this entail significant evidences which evaluate and lower bias. Also, it harness an integration of qualitative aspects in decision making. The disadvantage of this include development of strong critical thinking skills demanding sufficient time and practice.

Systematic evidence gathering– This involve adoption of tools such as Johari Window in evaluating varying areas of consideration bias-free. According to Gabbert et al. (2021), the tool adopt 6 phases to ask question, source evidence, appraise, use appropriate research, results evaluation and share lessons learnt. The disadvantages of this include lack of sufficient evidence in making decisions. Also, time and resources constraints hinder detailed search.

People Practice Issues

Absenteeism– Through an embrace of critical thinking, it is possible to evaluate the origin/root cause of a specific people practice issue and recommend on best practice of its management. Also, systematic evidence gathering offer evidence to employees on the best practice for managing the increased absenteeism (Eklund et al., 2022).

Organisation Issue– This note on the effectiveness of evidence-based strategies in addressing organisation issues including reduced organisations performance. A systematic sourcing of evidence offers an opportunity for managing entire interventions intended to improve performance. According to Gentle-Genitty et al. (2020), the strengths of this include detailed sourcing of evidence from frontline employees on issues impacting them. Also, SMART objectives are developed with no biasness allowed. The disadvantages of this include likelihood of reduced employees commitment hence affecting the effectiveness of the approach in decision making.

  • Analysis tool and method

Analysis Tool- Porter’s 5 Forces Model

This analysis tool is relevant for evaluating competition landscape in which an organisation operate from. According to Isabelle et al. (2020), this assists in analysing threats and opportunities in a particular business environment. The factors considered include competitive rivalry, threats of new substitute, threats of buyer, threat of supplier, and threat of new entry.

In an organisation such as Saudi Aramco where the learner work as a people practice professional, this tool is used to identify the power they have over their competitors. This is by relying on what Ya’acob et al. (2021) identify as switching costs, substitute markets and venture areas. Also, Saudi Aramco use this tool in evaluating capacity of their competitors, costs management, product-based differentiation and reduced industrial growth. This is while identifying the new markets where they can venture with lower threats of new entry.

The advantages of Porter’s 5 Forces include being detailed in identifying all tangible realities where internal data would not have been possible (Isabelle et al., 2020). For disadvantages, it over-rely on industrial assumptions contrary to internal complexity and culture dynamics.

Analysis Method- Observations

According to Wang et al. (2020), this is a method where an employee is observed as they are executing their functions in an organisation. This is intended to acquire relevant insights regarding their workplace issues affecting them, challenges and opportunity in place. For people practice professionals, this method is appropriate for acquiring relevant insights regarding communication process, engagement and relations. For example, in Saudi Aramco, people practice professionals use this in identifying issues such as lacking effective participation, managing conflicts and inappropriate decision making. As evidenced in Alita et al. (2021), observation of a person while execution their functions also has a potential of identify inefficiency, skills mismatch and areas of automation. For implementation of observations, Saudi Aramco work on scheduling sessions to be pursued, records taking protocols and training different observers. According to Morgan (2022), obtained data from the observations analysis  follow the use of trends and themes.

A major strength of this include implementation of evidence-based framework, discovering all issues impacting them as opposed to only survey. Also, it is possible identifying behaviours and actions effective for noting root cause of issues and opportunities which could be leveraged on by the employees. The disadvantages of this however include being reactive in regard to biasness and demanding immense resources. For mitigating this issue, the best practice is to work on clearly defining protocols, ensuring standards are met and reflection.

  • Main principles of critical thinking

Critical thinking is defined in Leś and Moroz (2021) as a process followed to examine and evaluate entire possibility and arguments for appropriate judgement and solving all problems.

The principles of critical thinking entail;

Considering unconscious bias– Unconscious bias is a common occurrence amongst the people practice professionals as part of their role. Hence, as part of critical thinking, the entire bias is identified with all bias identified and analysed (Chusni et al., 2020). This is by prioritising on the extent in which the unconscious bias shape understanding of an issue and attempting in its compensation. An approach of the different issues with self-awareness of individualised biasness assisting impartiality in evaluation.

Objectivity in rational thinking– Through an embrace of critical thinkers, it is possible collecting and evaluating information in an objective manner by use of appropriate reasoning and logical as opposed to emotions (Koskinen, 2020).

Verification of accuracy and trust of data source– Critical thinkers prioritise on different sources credibility in supporting their claims. As evidenced in Leś and Moroz (2021), this is by examining how the source embrace expertise views, motivated, appropriateness of the data and method used for enhancing reliability. The sources which are not strong, bias high would demand for scrutinization for their conclusions made.

Application of the Principles in my own Roles

Working in my role as a people practice professional, I am often required to note on my bias areas and enhance objectivity. For instance, having a high-level turnover, I always evaluate facts supported by logic from different viewpoints. I distinguish facts of cause of turnover with opinions of employees and management on causes of turnover. I vent entire sources in terms of how credible they are and experts involved for guaranteeing quality evidences.

Application of Principles in other people Work

Working in Saudi Aramco, Post-COVID 19, the management made a decision to make employees redundant. I used principles of creative thinking to evaluate the influence of different perspectives. Through this, I pursue an analysis of entire conclusions supported by logical use of facts compared to opinions from various views. To ensure that the redundancy decision was appropriate, all sources are ascertained on their reliability by evaluating experts input, conflict and methodologies in a rigorous manner. I noted that redundancy was due to lack of financial resources for supporting the employees informing on decision making by the management.

  • Decision making processes

Problem-Outcome Frame

This is an appropriate tool for decision making as it prioritise on need to achieve holistic results. In line with MacNeil et al. (2021),……..

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