(Solution) CIPD Explain factors to consider when deciding on content of copy used in recruitment methods. (AC1.4)

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Job Fair

Considering the job fairs, a critical copy of document which can be sourced include maintaining the budget. Considering Clean Quarter organisation is a newly established organisation, their budget of recruitment is less. The copy applied in creation of the materials for job fairs sessions would need to demonstrate the essential details pertaining to their job role and Clean Quarter concisely and appealing way.

Offering a lot of unnecessary details/information could lead to an increase in printing and designing costs for the brochures and displaying materials (Shneider, 2019). Failure of prioritising on the budgetary allocation could contribute to overspend on resourcing in the job fair, diversion of funds from other core pre-opening activities. A highlight only compel critical points on the role within the allocated budget for ensuring a successful recruitment campaign that is similarly within the organisation budget since it is a new start-up company.


A critical factor for consideration of the advertisement content is to project the appropriate corporate image which is in alignment with the Clean Quarter organisation in regard to their brand value and business functions. Being an organisation prioritising on sustainable and ethical practice, the advertisement contents can include highlights on their CSR and environment commitment.

Failure to focus on the image can convey Clean Quarter as operating similarly with their competitors and not as a value-based and driven startup. This can be discouraging different applicants who look for taking roles where they have a feeling of their principles being respected. According to Trazada (2021), protection of right image is core to attract all candidates for identifying the organisation mission.


Explain different selection methods and when it is appropriate to use them. (AC2.1) If you use secondary sources you should include your short references in the narrative here. Wordcount: Approximately 250 words

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