(Solution) CIPD Level 3 3C003- Core Behaviours for People Professionals

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Table of Contents

Task One: Ethical Practice Review.. 2

1.1 Ethical principle and professional value. 2

1.2 Conform to Ethical legislations. 3

2.1 Inclusive and respectful to others 4

2.2 Staying up-to-date recommendations. 5

Task Two- Professional Development. 6

2.3 CPD activities, undertaken within the last 12 months. 6

References. 9



Task One: Ethical Practice Review

1.1 Ethical principle and professional value


Integrity is the ethical principle that I consider most important and which underpins my behavior at work for Alrajhi Bank. LinkedIn (2023) reports that acting with integrity means being honest, trustworthy and consistent in my dealings with customers, colleagues and management.

A real example of how integrity informs my approach occurred when I noticed a mistake had been made in a customer’s account balance. Upon reviewing the transaction history, I determined an additional deposit from a payroll check had been incorrectly credited twice. While fixing this error would have been an easy way to boost some short-term metrics, I knew keeping those extra funds would compromise my integrity. I took the time to carefully research what had occurred, then scheduled a meeting with the customer to explain the mistake and return the excess amount deposited. Maintaining their trust in the bank’s honesty and reliability was more important to me than any temporary gains. This demonstrated how integrity guides me to always act in an ethical, transparent manner even when less straightforward options are available as evidenced by ‌ Perry (2021).

Professional Value

Continuous Learning and Development 

Continuous learning and development is extremely important to me professionally. According to NLB (2019), Continuous learning and development refers to consistently acquiring new skills and knowledge over the course of one’s career through formal and informal means.  I believe developing new skills and furthering my knowledge is key to performing my best work and enhancing my ability to help clients. A recent example involved a new client who owned a small manufacturing business. During our initial meeting, it became clear he lacked an understanding of certain cash flow management strategies. Rather than simply recommending standard solutions, I took the initiative to research additional techniques that may help manufacturers specifically. I scheduled extra time over the next week to test potential tools and approaches using sample data from his company’s financials. When we met again, I was able to provide a much more tailored cash flow forecast taking his industry needs into account. The client was impressed with my expanded knowledge and willingness to further my learning for his benefit. This client now refers new manufacturer clients to me, saying I displayed a commitment to continuing education that reassured him I was the best person to support his complex requirements.

1.2 Conform to Ethical legislations

Two ways I conform to ethics-related legislation as a people professional at AlRajhi Bank are:

One key piece of legislation I conform with is Saudi Arabia’s Anti-Corruption Law. This law aims to uphold integrity and transparency in both the private and public sectors as evidenced by ‌EACC (2011). As an HR manager, I ensure all of AlRajhi Bank’s recruitment and hiring processes follow strict guidelines to prevent nepotism or conflicts of interest. For every new position, a job description is written beforehand clearly outlining the required qualifications and skills. Applications are reviewed based solely on merits, not personal connections. Interviews are conducted by at least two people following a standard set of questions. Offers are made only after a background check verifies all applicant information. Maintaining fair and unbiased practices in recruiting helps fulfill my duty under the Anti-Corruption Law.

Another important ethic-related legislation I adhere to is Saudi Arabia’s Data Protection Law. This law regulates how organisations collect, store, use and protect individuals’ personal data. In my role, I am responsible for employees’ confidential personnel files which contain sensitive details. To be compliant, according to The World Bank (2023), electronic records are password-protected and physical files are locked in a secure location with limited access. Data is only processed for legitimate HR purposes directly related to an employee’s job such as benefits administration. Strong security safeguards and restricting data use to specified reasons ensures I handle employees’ private information responsibly as mandated by the Data Protection Law.  Through applying impartial recruitment methods and properly securing sensitive staff records, I strive to perform my people professional duties in a manner consistent with Saudi Arabia’s Anti-Corruption Law and Data Protection Law. Upholding compliance helps maintain high ethical standards which are foundational to AlRajhi Bank’s mission and values.

2.1 Inclusive and respectful to others

  1. Contributing My Views and Opinions

When contributing my views at meetings, I make sure to respect others’ perspectives. Even if I disagree, I frame my comments constructively without accusing or criticising tone. I focus on discussing the issues, not individuals. However, one way I could enhance my behavior further is to actively seek out views from quieter colleagues. When our junior analyst was hesitant to share, I encouraged her by saying her fresh ideas were valued. Still, I realise not all may feel comfortable speaking up. So in future, I will occasionally check with less vocal team members after each agenda item if they have any thoughts, and be an attentive listener as explained by ‌ Prykucki (2018). This will help ensure a wider range of perspectives are discussed openly and respectfully.

  1. Clarifying Problems or Issues

When problems arise, I make sure to fully understand others’ perspectives before offering solutions as recommended by ‌ LinkedIn (2023a). Recently, when a colleague faced a technical issue, I took time to clearly understand his experience instead of rushing to fix it. This helped me see it from his point of view. However, in future when clarifying issues, I can further improve my respectful behaviour by redirecting any blame or defensiveness into constructive problem-solving. While the root cause wasn’t in my control during that instance, acknowledging its effects on others through attentive listening would have made them feel more supported. This reinforces that we are approaching difficulties as a united team rather than opponents. Solidifying trust in this way will encourage more open reporting of challenges and help facilitate respectful teamwork.

  1. Working Effectively As Part of a Team

When working as part of my project team, I make sure to understand different strengths and workload capacities of team members. Recently, during a tight deadline, I recognised one colleague was overwhelmed and offered support with some of her tasks within my capabilities. However, to be more inclusive moving forward, I will regularly check-in with the whole team to identify if adjustments need to be made regarding work allocations or timelines as recommended by Range (2022). While we coordinate well as a unit generally, proactively ensuring no one feels overburdened will help maintain respect across diverse backgrounds and experience levels. It is also important we recognise when personal matters could impact work, and show flexibility accordingly. Through open communication, we can better support each other’s well-being while achieving goals respectfully.

2.2 Staying up-to-date recommendations

It is crucial for people professionals to stay up-to-date with the latest developments in the field of people practice and the changing world of work. According to CIPD (2020), the people and workplace landscape is constantly evolving with new challenges, technologies, regulations, and skills required. Therefore, it is important for people professionals to regularly update their knowledge, skills, and expertise to best support their organizations and employees.

There are two main methods I have found most effective for staying current. The first is attending conferences and seminars. Events tailored specifically for HR, talent and L&D professionals are invaluable for learning about new research, trends, case studies and tools directly from thought leaders and subject matter experts (CIPD, 2023). These interactive forums allow for networking, exchanging ideas and asking questions. They expose attendees to diverse perspectives and stimulate fresh thinking.

The second most effective method is pursuing continuing professional development (CPD) or continuing education. Regularly earning professional development credits through relevant courses, webinars, readings and other self-paced learning activities helps practitioners enhance specialised competencies in key people areas (CIPD, 2023a). It also ensures competency requirements for credentials remain fulfilled. CPD exposes people professionals to a variety of topics, learning styles and levels of depth.




Task Two- Professional Development

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