(Solution) CIPD Level 3 3C004- Essentials of People Practice

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Task One- Written Advice

  • Employee lifecycle

Employee lifecycle is identified in Sato et al. (2020) as inclusive of tracking of entire journey taken by an employee in their organisation. The lifecycle is as illustrated in the following;

Figure 1: Employee Lifecycle

Source: CIPD Notes

Employee attraction- This is identified in PMJobs (2019) as presenting an organisation out there to potential employees. This entail designing of organisation structure, employer branding and showcasing organisation unique selling points.

In Clean Quarter for instance, people practice professional roles would include creating an employer brand. This involve developing a good culture which prioritise employees interest. The outcome of this is organisation being a great place of working.

Recruitment and selection- This include recruiting and selecting the best employees to occupy particular job roles (Abbasi et al., 2022). The best hiring decisions are made based on organisation objectives.

People practice professionals are mandated to place internal and external recruitment approaches. For instance, Clean Quarter can screen all candidates based on their interest to expand their markets.

Onboarding- Also induction, this is identified in CIPD (2023) as an opportunity of an organisation welcoming new recruits, assisting them in settling in and ensuring possession of knowledge and supporting them.

People practice professionals roles include designing and executing plan for first 3 days/weeks/30/60/90 days of employment. In Clean Quarter, this can include pursuing probationary review.

Employee development- This entail acquisition of new skills and to hon existing ones (Dachner et al., 2021). The outome of this is boosting the employees performance and harnessing capacity for achieving full potential.

People practice professionals carry out needs analysis to understand areas required for development. In Clean Quarter, regular coaching can be pursued with their employees enabled for achieving full-based potential.

Exit- This is the end point of the employment relationship. It is either by will of the employees, emerging circumstances or both parties agreement.

People practice professionals ensure they work on exit interviews (König et al., 2022). As a strategy of enhancing future retention, this phase involve the people professiopnals identifying what lead to the exit and come up with strategies for future mitigation.

  • Purpose and key content of description and person specification

A job description is defined as purpose and scope of a role, overview of the main duties, key tasks and responsibilities and functions of the specific job (Bishop, 2022). Conversely, person specification entail written statement of education qualification, personal qualities, experience levels, physical, technical and communication skills.

In Clean Quarter, the purpose of the documents would include offering elaborate objective description which is fair and consistent in lowering biasness and discrimination. Also, they assists narrowing down the search parameters and writing down the interview questions.

Key content of Job Description are;

Working hours– This is the main component used to estimate performance and hourly wages. In Collins et al. (2021), Clean Quarter would need to improve employees health and safety.

Main Location– The location of Clean Quarter would need to be indicated. This is to help the potential employees to understand their area of work.

Key content of person specification are;

Level of Experience– For Clean Quarter, this would detail their qualifications, skills, experiences, knowledge and other attributes possessed by candidates.

Ability to work in specific environment– This include the ability of the employees to work in different challenging situations. For example, Clean Quarter organisation employees can detail ability to work in loud noises and bright lights.

Job Analysis

In CIPD (2023a) this is identified as a process followed to gather and analyse information pertaining to the content and human requirements of jobs and context of performing a job. In Clean Quarter, this include requirements to pursue different job roles.

The approaches for job analysis entail

Direct Observations– This is a practice where an employee is observed in their work with questions posed to them to develop job description. In Clean Quarter, the implementation would be slow and could be interfering with execution of their job roles.

Questionnaires– For job analysis, this entail sourcing data for job roles and employees to occupy these roles. It note on employees having these capability of expressing their interests or lacking thereof.

Work Participation strategy– In CIPD (2023), this entail sourcing first-hand based data and information pertaining to the features of a job of interest. The relevance of this is for complex job functions and specialists.

Technical conferences– This entail involving experts in sourcing core information for specific job roles. In Clean Quarter, by actively involving supervisors, knowledge they have for their job function is noted with job characteristics noted.

  • Recruitment methods

Internal and external advertising

This is a method which include placing advertisements within the organisation such as clean quarter notice boards and memos. Also, external advertisements is placed outside organisation in newspapers and other platforms beyond control of Clean Quarter.

According to Dhiman and Arora (2020), this is appropriate for the role in order to safe enough time with limited resources being used. Further, the method is relevant when a need arise for mitigating turnover in Clean Quarter with their employer brand enhanced.

International/Local Recruitment Agencies

As evidenced in CIPD (2023a) this entail engagement of consultants for providing services including attraction of candidates, management of candidate response, screen and shortlist.

In Clean Quarter, the method is most appropriate as they are looking to recruit candidates within a short time. It is also appropriate to source data in various sources including Indeed.com, Glassdoor and CIPD HR-Inform as appropriate recruitment agencies.

  • Content of copy

Balancing of accurate and positive imageSame as the image of an organisation, job image is similarly noted in Muduli and Trivedi (2020) to play a core function in recruitment strategy. It is therefore important prioritising on balance of providing accurate and positive image of an entity. The rationale of this is positive image being used overpowering accurate image of an entity. In Clean Quarter, being the recruiter, they would be portlaying a positive image which cannot be inappropriate for appearing attractive.

How much detail to provide in an organisation– As part of recruitment proicess, it is important providing detailed information pertaining to organisation practices. The information relate to services offered, operations and inter-link of their roles with organisation operations. The identified details entail mission and vision essential to be established in Clean Quarter for how they would be offered.

Making decisions on font– While placing various adverts of specifc job roles, fonts need to be applied. In Clean Quarter case, informed by a job role, different fonts would be iused. For example, to recruit in technical engineering job, a technical-based font can be applied. A cool font would be appropriate for job roles which are not demanding.

Reward package– For majority of entities, reward package is not discosed. This imply non-disclosure from third parties. Besides, a requirement of offering elaborate information pertaining to rewards is essential. In Clean Quarter, integration of organisation operations in advertisements is essential. This is at the same time making sure best decisions are made informed by internal and external audience (Harvey et al., 2020).

2.1 Selection methods

Interviews (Face-to-Face)This is a method which is used to implement a detailed/in-depth process to evaluate how suitable the employees are in their roles (Basch et al., 2021). Apart from evauating the employees suitability in terms of qualifications, their presentability is similarly considered.

For Jaspreet and Caroline, this is most appropriate since sales assistant is a sensitive role which needs employees with both practice and suitability. Also, sales assistant need to be able to present themselves well which can only be determined by face-to-face interviews.

Psychometric Tests– In this method, it is relevant for identifying the best practice guided by capabilities, aptitude, personalities and interests. According to Bina et al. (2021), for all these areas, different tests are used in detail. This is to assist to select best staff who have relevant knoolwedge and skills to execute their roles.

In case of Jaspreet and Caroline, the method is most appropriate to be used to conduct succession planning internally. There are employees in Clean Quarter who can take sales assistants role which is most appropriate to use psychometric tests.

2.4 Selection records

Short-Listing Decision NotesIn the process of selection, these notes are validating the process. The retention of these notes are in line with stipulations of the GDPR 2018 which identify qualification level and shortlisted information (CIPD, 2023b). According to the legislation, they are required to be stored for a timeline of 6 months from time of interview.

Interview Notes– This entail records applied to ensure comparative information for the selected and non-selected individuals. This is to guarantee the employees freedom from any form of discrimination. As required in Equal Employment Opportunity Commission Act 2021 (National Archives, 2023), the records are retained for 1 year where it should not be disclosed to third parties.

Assessment criteria scores– This is comprised of the information and data on how the empoyees scored during the selection process. The sourced data management is in line with the GDPR 2018 legislation and is required to be maintained for a timeline of 1 yar with zero disclosure to unauthorised individuals.

Test scoring– This detail on how the employees have scored in the process of selection. In line with the existing GDPR 2018 legislation, in a timeline of 5 years the data need to be retained.

2.5 Letters of appointment and non-appointment

Letter of Appointment


15th February 2024


Clean Quarter Organisation

123 Sustainable Street

Green Town, GT1 2AB


RE: Letter of Offer for Appointment


Dear Hussein,


Letter of Non-Appointment

15th February 2024


Clean Quarter Organisation

123 Sustainable Street

Green Town, GT1 2AB


RE: Letter to inform you on Unsuccessful Selection


Dear Ali,


Task Two-Simulated Interview

2.2 Selection criteria for sales assistant

2.3 Interview

Task Three- Guidance Document

3.1 Achieving work-life balance

Work-Life Balance

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