(Solution) ICS Learn 5HR03 Assessment

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Table of Contents

Report 20

AC 1.1. 20

AC 1.2. 21

AC 2.1. 22

AC 2.2. 23

AC 2.3. 24

AC 2.4. 25

AC 3.1. 26

AC 3.2. 27

AC 3.3. 28

AC3.4. 29

References. 11





AC 1.1

The principles of rewards are underpinned by factors like fairness, equality, flexibility, visibility, meaningfulness and consistency.

Fairness- This entail making sure rewards distribution is the same and informed by productivity and input. This is instrumental in building of trust, loyal team and feeling of high value and recognition for their input (CIPD, 2024).

Equity-  For this principle, employees are supposed to be rewarded on basis of their input, skills possessed and assigned responsibilities. This imply same job functions and productivity are rewarded in a similar manner hence maintaining balancing and just in organisation context.

Transparency- Elaborate communication on rewards determination and distribution is essential. By being transparent, this enhances an understanding on the criteria of provision of rewards, lowering misunderstanding and motivated employees.

Eco-Insulate Organisation Culture Importance

Fairness is important to address issues pertaining to available schemes for senior employees leading to gaps created amongst the employees. A fair-reward system implementation benefiting entire employees irrespective of their positioning assists in bridging the gap, enhancing a unified and supportive working environment (CIPD, 2024).

Also, equity is essential to motivate skilled and non-skilled staff in Eco-Insulate case. Through an effective alignment of the rewards with people input to an organisation, high-level performance is assured. For example, an introduction of performance-based bonuses to meet or exceed standard set by finance and admin enhance increased performance and improving the job satisfaction (Alhmoud&Rjoub, 2019).

Also, transparency in issued rewards could be used to mitigate the evident inequality in an organisation. Through an effective communication on rewards determination and making sure inclusion of all the employees holistically, benefits of reward structure are well understood. The outcome of this is building a culture of trust and reduced employees dissatisfaction hence positive and cohesive organisation culture.

Importance to Eco-Insulate Performance Management

Through fairness in rewards, turnover levels are significantly reduced with morale improved. By employees possessing a believe their rewards distribution is fair, they capitalise on high likelihood of feeling valued hence a high-level commitment and input to meet performance goals. This is particularly essential for Eco-Insulate with dissatisfaction contributing to negative cultural implications.

Also, equity align the rewards with personalised input hence performance management becoming highly effective. A case example is aligning rewards with standards in place for finance and admin departments (CIPD, 2023). This drive entire productivity and encourage a continuous-based improvements.

Transparency similarly improve performance management by ensuring overall expectations and rewards are elaborate. In Eco-Insulate case, they appreciate performance measurement and rewards hence a high likelihood of striving to excel increasing performance management in the entire organisation hence reversing negative trends.

AC 1.2

Extrinsic Rewards

Extrinsic rewards are identified as inclusive of externally provided incentives for employees encouraging or compensating them for completion of their job roles/functions. The rewards are tangible with examples including bonus, salaries increase, promotion, and different financial compensation (Peters, 2023).

The effectiveness of extrinsic rewards is in enhancing an improved employees input specifically in an environment where productivity is aligned to quantified result. Taking into account of Eco-Insulate case, pursuing performance-based bonuses for their employees exceeding standard times could be incentivised to harness performance increase. By the employees being aware of their input recognition through rewards in a tangible manner, there is a high likelihood of increasing their input for meeting/exceeding expectation. The overall output and efficiencies would be improved (Peters, 2023).

For negatives, over relying to extrinsic rewards often lead to priority being on short-term goals only with long-term goals being neglected hence necessity for balancing rewards with intrinsic motivators.

Intrinsic Rewards

These are identified as internal, non-tangible benefits offered to employees after working leading to a feel of accomplishment, personalised development, recognised and high-level job satisfaction (Boon et al., 2019). The rewards come from basic characteristic of working and positive feel which is aligned with excelling in assigned roles.

The intrinsic rewards are significantly effective to improve employees contribution specifically when it comes to harnessing a long-term engagement and satisfied teams (CIPD, 2022). In Eco-Insulate case, employees recognition for being innovative for eco-friendly insulators could be a form of intrinsic rewards. With the employees gaining a feeling that their input is meaningfully and valued by their seniors, there is a high likelihood of increasing motivation and commitment in their roles. The outcome of this is increased job satisfaction, creativity and sustainable performance.

Long-Term Organisation Performance

With extrinsic and intrinsic rewards playing critical function to sustain organisation performance, intrinsic rewards are successful when offered in a long-term basis. The intrinsic rewards including being recognised for innovative ideas and personalised satisfaction from meaningfulness of work, improved engagement and commitment level. In Eco-Insulate case, the employees recognition for their input in developing eco-friendly solutions would lead to improvement of their feel of purpose and fulfilment hence sustainable motivation and loyal teams (Hajduk, 2017).

Conversely, with extrinsic rewards including bonus poay and increase driving short-term based performance, they could be ineffective in eliciting similar implications to staff satisfaction and reduced turnover. Through consistency in their provision, effectiveness of extrinsic rewards could be lowered when not collaborated with intrinsic motivators. Hence, Eco-Insulate priority on intrinsic rewards has a high likelihood of yielding immense gains in area of organisation performance.,

AC 2.1

Formal Pay Structure

One of the graded pay which is relevant in Eco-Insulate is the broad-banded structure. According to CIPD (2024), this form of grading include consolidating many pay grades to less but broad bands. The different bancs are comprised of broad range of functions and responsibilities leading to immense flexibility in management of pay and career-based progression. The broad bands facilitate increased pay progression within a specific band integrating different roles and performance scopes (Cotton, 2024b).

Further, the graded pay lower complexities in management of many pay grades hence easing the process of their administration. The employees similarly require to pursue an elaborate direction to advance in a specific band, enhancing their skills development and career growth. For Eco-Insulate case, broad-based structure can lead to employees being grouped into entire production functions to a single band with the pay ranges a reflection of skills levels and responsibilities. This strategy could assist in addressing turnover levels offering elaborate progress in available opportunities and aligning pay with productivity (Du et al., 2019).

Informal Pay Structure
This pay structure can be successful in Eco-Insulate with a good example being spot rate strategy. For the structure, employees are remunerated in particular rates for their job functions with no formal grading system (CIPD, 2023). The different roles are offered a particular pay rate informed by factors such as market-based rates, personalised recognition and uniqueness of the overall value of their job role in an organisation.

In Eco-Insulate case, the strategy lead to increase in flexible address of organisation different functions and skills levels particularly in an event standard times are harnessed by the organisation finance and admin teams (Cotton, 2024a). Through a development of the pay rates in an individual manner, an organisation promptly adjust pay for matching markets or rewards specific skills and performance level. The outcome of this is tailoring and responsively approaching pay with no complexity of formal grading system (Zuiderwijk et al., 2021).


Broad-Banded Structure

Spot Rates

Consolidating many pay grades to form less and broad bands

Setting specific pay rates for different individual job roles or employees qualification

Allowing for critical pay progress in a specific band

Compensation informed by personal skills and performance

Simplifying management to reduce employees pay grades

Simplifying pay determination using predetermined rates

Encouraging development of an elaborate advancement of paths in the bands

Limited structures hence not offering elaborate progress paths


AC 2.2

Contingent Rewards

This is identified as a form of incentive offered to the employees on basis of their performance or achieving particular set goals/objectives. They are classified as contingent due to achieving predefined criteria/targets and is financial (bonuses and commissions) or non-financial (recognition and more time off from work). The need for contingent rewards is motivating employees in performing with excellence through aligning the rewards and their performance scope (CIPD, 2022).

Impact on Individual Performance

Considering Eco-Insulate,

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