(Solution) Level 5 5HR01 Employment relationship management Assessment ID / CIPD_5HR01_22_01

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Section One – Questions


Review emerging developments to inform approaches to employee voice and engagement. (AC 1.1)

Short references should be added into your narrative below. Please remember to only list your long references in the reference box provided at the end of this section. Word count: Approximately 300 words


Employee voice is identified as a strategy of expressing individuals views and point of view on various areas of their workplace/employer relationships (Naqvi, 2020).

Emerging developments are;

Increased employees inclusion in Boards– In Ardito et al. (2021), it hypothesise that in all organisations boards, employees representatives are included. This started in European countries and now moving international as critical decisions are normally made at the board levels of modern organisations. Considering the case study of Go Quest, operating in high-end clothing manufacturing sector, consideration of involving employees in their boards is essential. This is particularly  important as the organisation is recovering from effects of COVID-19. The improvements would be possible in remuneration and also working conditions (Naqvi, 2020).

In order to increase employee voice, the board representation also harness employees engagement scope (Ardito et al., 2021). This is achieved through guaranteeing the employees with a chance to highlight areas hindering their performance and what they expect from the management.

Using Social Media– With remote/flexible working being popular today, social media use has similarly been used significantly for improving employee voice (Wæraas & Dahle, 2020). In Go Quest case, for encouraging staff to use various available tools and devices, social media would be instrumental. Also, social media offer an opportunity for implementation of meetings with the management to discuss and resolve issues.

According to Khan et al. (2023), the importance of social media in employee voice is enhancing motivation and eventually engagement. This is by offering an opportunity for employees to be involved in evaluation of various issues and networking informally with all member of an organisation. The outcome of this include increasing the entire relations and collaborative working.

To conclude, both the employees boards and social media represent emerging developments for increasing employee voice. According to Estell et al. (2021), both approaches offer an appropriate opportunity for raising voice on issues impacting the employees.



Differentiate between employee involvement and employee participation and how it builds relationships. (AC 1.2)

Short references should be added into your narrative below. Please remember to only list your long references in the reference box provided at the end of this section. Word count: Approximately 300 words


Employees Involvement

This is a concept which identify the process followed for employees to offer their input as part of making core decisions (van Assen, 2021). These entail raising views on various organisation practices.

Building Relationships– According to Tortorella et al. (2021), through employees involvement, they feel that they are part of the organisation since they are involved in making decisions on progress of their organisation. Considering an organisation such as Go Quest, employees involvement would build on the relationships by introducing an “ideas campaign”.

Employee Participation

This is defined in Wikhamn et al. (2022) as employees being provided with an opportunity to participate in task-oriented decision making, presenting suggestions and giving recommendation on how organisation can progress. In most instances, employee participation is indirect and include inclusion of trade unions and joint consultation committees. Conversely, the direct participation is inclusive of having employees groups through collaboration and consultative participation assisting in progress of their organisation.

Building Relationships– As identified in Men et al. (2020), employees participation build relationships at the point where workshops are adopted in providing the employees with an opportunity to improve voice by coming up with relevant suggestions which improve job experience. For Go Quest case organisation, this can include team-building sessions and workshops implemented for enhancing the employees participation. The rationale of this is that employees participation offer an opportunity to share different opinions and also ideas sharing.



Assess a range of employee voice tools and approaches to drive employee engagement.

(3 tools and 2 approaches) (AC 1.3)

Short references should be added into your narrative below. Please remember to only list your long references in the reference box provided at the end of this section. Word count: Approximately 400 words


Employee Voice Tools

Online Surveys– This is a method which is used in sourcing relevant feedback from the employees. By use of close-ended questions, data regarding the employees can be sourced which is quantifiable and statistically presented (Li et al., 2020).  The advantages of using this method include being cheap in implementation, straight questions posed and the surveys potentially customised in line with the data being collected by an organisation. Their implementation is similarly easy (Syed, 2020). Comparing surveys with the other tools, they harness capacity for managing all issues raised. The disadvantages of using the online surveys include insufficient in regard to sourcing detailed and in-depth data and content (Li et al., 2020). Considering the case of Go Quest,  failure to adopt detailed surveys would lead to its failure to demonstrate the expected area of understanding.

Idea Streets– According to Tucker et al. (2022), this is a modern, advanced approach as opposed to suggestion boxes. The implementation of this approach is through presenting online-based ideas, providing a chance to view and vote for the presented issues. Hence, all the participants/employees have their voice heard and part of the overall decision made. The advantages of this approach include convenience as employees have an opportunity of providing their views/suggestions at their own convenience. Also, the idea streets are implemented in an anonymous manner providing an appropriate sense of belongingness and employees engagement in active decision making. Also, accessing and promptly delivering the required insights is an advantage of this method since it is honest (Syed, 2020). For Go Quest, they can benefit from the advantage of sharing automatic ideas collected and processes with success. The disadvantages of this approach include loosing required coordination amongst the different engaged parties. This is with potential of inappropriate input being shared.

Focus Groups- This is defined in Hosseini et al. (2022) as a practice where approximately 10 individuals come together to share their ideas and feedback on various issues which could be impacting them. The advantages of this include capacity to gain insights on expectations of the employees and their perceptions on different areas hence an increased engagement. Also, they are not time intensive as opposed to interview. The disadvantages nevertheless include bias emerging since the facilitator intend to fully control the process. As evidenced in Tucker et al. (2022) the required data often has some gaps hence distortion of the data.

Approaches of Employees Engagement

Total Reward/Strategic- In Hamzah and Matkhairuddin (2022) report, employees prioritise on the pay and benefits offered in an organisation in order to make a decision on how they would be committed to their organisations. The advantages of this entail creating a feeling of being appreciated and recognised. Further, rewarding employees by using the different total rewards components lead to them feeling appreciated and part of their organisation. The disadvantages include being costly to implement the rewards. Also, in Go Quest, it can discourage the rest of the employees offering high-level quality work.

Coaching and mentoring– According to Susanto and Sawitri (2022), coaching involve sourcing services of a coach to be supported to acquire knowledge on different areas impacting on their engagement. Also, a mentor is involved in the case for mentoring where appropriate insights are gained for successful management of issues impacting the employees in workplace. The advantages of using this method entail a high-level self-confidence, awareness and high-level communication skills and leadership (Hamzah & Matkhairuddin, 2022). The disadvantage include being cost-intensive with a lot of time used in its implementation.



Critically evaluate the interrelationships between employee voice and organisational performance.(AC 1.4)

Short references should be added into your narrative below. Please remember to only list your long references in the reference box provided at the end of this section. Word count: Approximately 250 words


Online Surveys

By using the online surveys, there is a possibility of enhancing productivity of an entity through identifications of staff commitment, inclusion and satisfaction level (Nienaber & Martins, 2020). The drawbacks of this method include potential of suffering from low-level responses affecting level of data quality and accuracies. For Go Quest case, this could lead to failure to understand correctly on the success of performance. A different issues which impact the performance would include technical challenges and errors which contribute to frustration and confusion which derail performance.

Focus Groups

The application of focus groups is primarily essential for idea sharing to improve efficiency and collaboration of different employees in an organisation. According to Hosseini et al. (2022), a focus group include different representatives who are brought together to discuss on issues impacting on the organisation leading to performance increase when executing their functions. The drawbacks of this method include Go Quest primarily affected by biasness coming from the management. Further, there prevail complexity in analysing the data and generalised issues as evidenced in the results sourced therefore having a negative impact on performance level.



Explain the concept of better working lives and how this can be designed. (AC 1.5)

Short references should be added into your narrative below. Please remember to only list your long references in the reference box provided at the end of this section. Word count: Approximately 250 words


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