(Solution) Level 7 7C004 Business Research in People Practice The Impact of Employee Wellbeing Strategies on Organisational Performance and Stakeholder Satisfaction

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  • Terms of Reference
    • Introduction

Owing to the immense competition in the modern business environment, investing in employees wellbeing is core for organisations success. This is the case in XXX organisation operating in Saudi Arabia (KSA) technology and innovation sector where investment in employees wellbeing has a direct implication on their success in this sector. In (https://www.cipd.org/en/views-and-insights/cipd-viewpoint/employee-health-wellbeing/#:~:text=CIPD%20research%20shows%20that%20employee,senior%20leaders%20take%20wellbeing%20seriously.) report, it is hypothesised that approximately 35.2 million working days had been lost to work-related ill health in 2022/23. This is with stress, anxiety and depression accounting for approximately 24 million of the cases. This inform on the necessity for investing strategically on employees wellbeing. The  outcome of this would include an organisation noting on causes of issues with wellbeing, any underlying health/worklplace issues and as such initiate effective approaches to optimise health and attendance.

  • Research Aim

The main aim of this research is to investigate how the employees well-being policy in XXX organisation contribute to an increased organisation performance and stakeholders satisfaction.

  • Research Objectives
  1. To review existing literature on workplace health and performance improvement in XXX organisation by focusing on established theories and evidence from the study
  2. To investigate and dissect the employee well-being strategies by successful institutions, considering the appropriate best practices and possible improvement processes.
  3. To carry out primary research on current employees’ general well-being within the XXX organization.
  4. To carry out primary and secondary research to evaluate the relationship between employees’ wellbeing and organizational productivity.
  5. To come up with evidence-based advice toward improved well-being of employees within XXX Organization to improve performance of the organization.
  6. Transformation of research findings and recommendations to the stakeholders within the XXX Organization using the creation of an awareness of mental health issues and doing so proactively engaging the staff.
  • Project Methods, Resources/Costs and Timelines

For this research, qualitative by se of semi-structured interviews and quantitative research  by use of single case study would be put into account. The entire cost of this research would be approximately SAR3,000. The cost would be incurred to translate research instrument and findings, professional data analysis and to proofread in a timeline of 18 weeks (see appendix 2 gantt chart).

  • Literature Review

Although many research works have evaluated on the concept of employees wellbeing and implementation in an organisation (https://iaap-journals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/apps.12346; https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/LHS-09-2020-0071/full/html?utm_campaign=Emerald_HR_PPV_November22_RoN), not many studies have linked this directly to employees performance and stakeholders satisfaction. The concept has majorly been discussed in the context of COVID-19 pandemic and need to enhance employees wellbeing amidst uncertainities in business environment (https://www.mdpi.com/2078-2489/12/8/293; https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s12144-021-02293-3 AND https://cibgp.com/au/index.php/1323-6903/article/view/296). The Job Demand-Resources (JD-R) evidence the existence of a link of employees workload and time pressure causing stress and burnout amongst the employee (https://www.mdpi.com/2071-1050/15/5/4004). Nevertheless, the research fails to put into account that good job positives could be offsetting implications of extreme job demands and encouraging motivation and engagement levels.

  • Concept of Employees Wellbeing

Based on the reviewed literature, the concept of employees wellbeing is complex and multi-dimensional challenging defining and measuring (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/hrm.21990). This is despite of the increased focus by the available research on national and international wellbeing and its application in workplace. In the last decade, (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/hrm.21990) hypothesise that the concept of wmployees wellbeing has been an integral part of the organisations life. The authors identified the concept as integrating cognitive and affective elements of wellbeing. By developing a summary of most authors, (https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/0312896220922292) identified employees wellbeing as inclusive of physical and mental health evidenced in their lives and work experiences. Through a more in-depth focus, (https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/09613218.2019.1710098) broadened the concept of employee werllbering. The research noted employees wellbeing to also include psychological, physical and social factors. This is with psychological wellbeing characterised as hedonic or eudemonic.  For health wellbeing, this prioritise on the aspects of burnouts, stress and job straints including work overload and over commitment. The social dimension on the other hand entail uality of interpersonal relations which employees are experiencing in their organisations (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/ijmr.12304). This is while defining the vertical and horizontal staff interaction and relationships with the entire organisation.

  • Employees Wellbeing and Employees Performance

A set of reviewed literature has evidenced on the existence of a direct relationship of employees wellbeing and performance (https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Rana-Tahir/publication/345309873_Role_of_Psychological_factors_in_Employee_Well-being_and_Employee_Performance_An_Empirical_Evidence_from_Pakistan/links/5fa2a04b458515157be9642a/Role-of-Psychological-factors-in-Employee-Well-being-and-Employee-Performance-An-Empirical-Evidence-from-Pakistan.pdf; https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/09585192.2020.1841819). A summary of findings in these publications evidence that work-related wellbeing elicit significant implication on the performance and survival of an organisation. Hence, it is core as it directly lead to improved employees performance. Further, according to (https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/2340944420981599), through a focus on task and adaptive performance, the authors highlighted that healthier and happier employees are in a position of integrating improved performance and productivity outcomes. Hence, it is essential for orgnisations to be investing on employees wellbeing to accrue multiple achievements and prosperity in a long run. Neveftheless, (https://www.mdpi.com/1660-4601/17/21/7771) note on the multidimensionality of concept of wellbeing and note that it could lead to positive indicators including job satisfaction and negative factors including work intensification.

Next to establishing ideal theoretical models, numerous research studies have proved the feasibility of employee well-being programs, especially in optimizing organizational efficiency. One of the examples is a meta-analysis done by Sutherland and associates in 2019 that found that the well-being of employees and organizational productivity were positively related, such that employees who were well were more productive, thus enhancing creativity and satisfaction at work. The fact that the motivation and well-being of employers are directly linked with the results of the organization and its consumers may be so that organizations that focus on employee welfare should be more likely to achieve their strategic goals and satisfy their stakeholders successfully.

Moreover, distinct remedies directed toward improving employee wellness have shown that they have led to beneficial outcomes. Case by case, Avey et al. (2010) analyzed the effects of a wellness policy on employees’ well-being and organizational efficiency. The study showed that the candidates enrolled in the wellness program demonstrated less stress, higher levels of work satisfaction, and improved performance compared to those who did not participate. This shows the importance of targeting particular interventions like wellness programs and reinforcing the value of employees in programs to handle employee burnout for continuous organizational excellence.

  • Employees Wellbeing and Stakeholders Satisfaction

From the reviewed studies, the relationship of employees wellbeing on different stakeholders satisfaction has not attracted immense attention. A significant number of available research has only focused on evaluating employees wellbeing impact on employees (https://www.mdpi.com/1660-4601/19/3/1122?ref=level-man; https://www.mdpi.com/1660-4601/18/5/2294). Also, there are several research works which have focused on evaluating the implication of employees wellbeing and customers satisfaction in an organisation (https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/19368623.2021.1867283; http://m.growingscience.com/beta/msl/4068-the-impact-of-employee-satisfaction-%20on-customer-satisfaction-theoretical-and-empirical-underpinning.html). In this research, for the purpose of evaluating the link of employees wellbeing and stakeholders satisfaction, it is appropriarte to put into account of the stakehodlers theory. According to (https://www.researchgate.net/publication/369194606_Stakeholder_Theory) the stakeholders theory is informed by the view that an organisation is comprised of four major categories/groups of stakeholders. These include shareowners, employees, customers and the general public. Further, the theory is based on the view that an organisation work effectively in an ecosystem of different stakeholders contributing directly or indirectly to sustainability of an organisation and creating value for all stakeholders groups. These findings are supported by (https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/23743735221092619) research which noted that investing in effective employes wellbeig has a direct implication to the relations of the stakeholders in the organisation. For example, with employees wellbeing increased, their absenteeism levels in their organisation is similarly reduced. The outcome of this is what (https://core.ac.uk/download/pdf/288289493.pdf) identify as a strong correlatiuon of the employees wellbeing initiatives with different stakeholders satisfaction. This is in regard to negative correlation with the employees turnover levels.

  • Summary

In this section, a review of literature on the concept of employees wellbeing has been pursued. This is while at the same time evaluating its impact on emloyees performance and stakeholders satisfaction. There are a set of identified gaps in regard to the research area evaluation and scope in which wellbeing is achieved successfully. This research intend to bridge the existing research gap by evidencing the link of the two concepts and how the employees wellbeing can be advanced to achieve it. This is particularly in the IT sector which is characterised by immense changes and development.

  • Research Question

For this research, the question which would put into account would be;

RQ: What is the impact of Employee Wellbeing Strategies on Organisational Performance and Stakeholder Satisfaction?

Therefore, as idenditifed in the research question, the result would entail appropriate recommendations on employees wellbeing strategies to achieve an improved performance and stakeholders satisfaction. Considering XXX organisation, to embrace current demand for change and best practice in their operations, embracing effective employees wellbeing is essential. The outcome of this would also include leveraging on competitive advantage and dominating their industry.

The literature review has noted prescence of significant gap evaluating on the employees werllbeing on the stakeholdersstisfction and performance. Enhancing wellbeing would hence positively contribute to Key Performance metrics for XXX organisation.

2.0 Methodology

2.1 Primary and Secondary Data

Primary data is applied in referring to the first-hand data sourced by a researcher with secondary data being sourced from available sources (Cerar et al., 2021; Sileyew, 2019).

In this research primary data and more secondary data would be used. This is since primary data is useful in terms of using surveys and qualitative primary data sourced by interviews. The secondary data is on the other hand critical in sourcing already existing literature and using it in supporting the primary data sourced by use of either interviews or questionnaires. Further, in this research, by using XXX Organisation, both primary and secondary sources are qualitatively (textual) or quantitatively (statistically) sourced. Also, by using interviews used in XXX organisation, this will represent a type of secondary data. Hence, using primary and secondary data in analysing employees wellbeing, it is possible to manage the weakness of one approach by strength of the other.

2.2 Justifying Research Methods

In a research, quantitative methods or qualitative methods can be used (Younas & Durante, 2023; Natow, 2020). The quantitative methods which can be used include surveys highly valid as they engage more respondents with unambiguous and simply answered questions for confident findings (Miller et al., 2020; Cerar et al., 2021). Qualitative methods include interviews, focus groups, observations all offering detailed findings and more nuanced explanations (Rezigalla, 2020).

As noted earlier, the aim of this research is to evaluate the impact of employees wellbeing on performance and stakeholders satisfaction in XXX organisation. The primary data facilitate researcher to use qualitative (interviews) and quantitative (surveys) within a specified context in XXX employees wellbeing. Also, the richness challenges are not relevant in this research since the start is sourcing for a problem solution in an organisation hence limiting the study to one case enhancing richness level.

In this research, quantitative research was preferred due to a set of reasons. To start with, as evidenced in Fainshmidt et al. (2020), the manner in which the quantitative research is pursued provide a relevant chance to support an appropriate approach implemented by detailed test of hypothesis. For instance, through the application of quantitative research, it is possible to test the impact of the noted independent variables which are motivation, organisation performance, productivity and stakeholders satisfaction with the dependent variable being the employees wellbeing and strtegies.

Also, in doing research on employees wellbeing, the statistical data reliability level is evidenced in quantitative research in a way that the researcher is in a position of leveraging on less engagement with various research respondents (Khmil et al., 2019). The outcome of this is avoidance of bias which have a high likelihood of distortion of the obtained research findings. This is different in qualitative research where it entail engaging the investigator playing an active role in the research being a catalyst. The outcome of this is an increase in bias in research.

Further, albeit of the identified advantages associated with use of quantitative research in evaluating the issue of employees wellbeing in XXX organisation, the quantitative research also has their disadvantages. These entail the implementation of the research in a tightly controlled environment. The outcome of this include richness and detailed nature of the research on Almarai turnover levels. Further, the quantitative data is limited in regard to its effectiveness, this would be reviewed by considering the relationship existing among the different study variables such as the impact of employees wellbeing on the organisations performance and stakeholders satisfaction. Also, the interviews would be used which evaluate why knowledge of their experience, views, and recommendations regarding employee wellness strategies for XXX employees.

Therefore, for the purpose of gathering appropriate insights on impact of employees wellbeing on organisations performance and stakeholders satisfaction, quantitative research and qualitative research have been applied. Further, the identified research question, the dependent variable and independent variables would be investigated for identifying their correlation. By working on this, quantitative research would be appropriately applied. From the information already available for employees wellbeing topic in the organisation, it was used to developing the particulars and sourcing for the secondary data. Further, this was used in testing or the pilot interviews for testing out the appropriateness of the concept. The interview involved sharing an email for invitations for the interviews and best data sourced.

2.3 Ethical Issues Connected with Project

For the research ethics, the various participants were required to provide a consent before they fully enrol to the study. This was meant to guarantee their understanding that this research is being carried out for education purposes or to acquire a degree certification. Further, as part of the data collection, it was identified that the data would be stored for 5 months where it would be destroyed. It would be stored in a lock and key and only the authorised individuals would access the data. Als, to assure the respondents of their confidentiality, this would be demonstrated in the ethics area.

Further, the respondents would be called upon to highlight that the provided information would be maintained at a high-level and strict confidentiality. This is with the researcher making sure that entire participants are directly linked with the data. At the end, a disclaimer would be provided at the end of the interview or questionnaire form.

3.0 Analysis

3.1 Costs

For the sake of successfully pursuing this research on employees wellbeing, it was essential identifying the overall costs to be incurred in the research work. For example, for the surveys, the costs is lower as it was done online through a google enabled platform as opposed to paper-based surveys. Considering the online platforms lower the incurred costs/expenses, time is also lowered inclusive of the time to be used to travel, call for an appointment and entering data from the software programs. Also, the aspect of time was essential in selecting the research approach which needed to be pursued. For the primary research, it tend to use immense time which would be managed by engaging the interviewers successfully. The time used to travel, quality levels and ethics were managed by ensuring that the data was collected on time with any deviation from the target area controlled successfully.

3.2 Explanation of Analysis

In this project, the researcher pursued quantitative analysis stepwise beginning with establishing the demographics, wellbeing measures, job satisfaction, performance of the organisation and quality of services.

3.2.1 Analysis of Online Questionnaires




Appendix 1: Primary research questions

Appendix 2: Gantt charts

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